Forum:Magical Explosions Everywhere!!!!

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Rate and Fix, Thanks. The 8th Monarch 06:53, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

Monster Gate might prove useful here, as you want to quickly get all your spells to the graveyard. bonus, monster gate is a spell, speeding ur "mill" to get them to the grave.

oh right, i forgot to sign ElvenStrike 06:57, December 25, 2009 (UTC)

replace giant trunade with a MST, you dont want to send your citadel back to your hand.

Gold sarcophagus could also be some use at this point, since you only want magical explosion, so its best to keep your traps in hand as fast as you can.

no gold sarc is way too slow to use in this deck, dont put it in.

Instead of Toon World, Card Destruction could help--Helix-king 11:43, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

  • toon world is just there to get picked by the last toon table of contents, and it can be activated for another spell counter. but card destruction can probably find a spot in the deck 19:49, December 27, 2009 (UTC)
  • you could also replace toon world with 2 toon blue eyes white dragons. then also add 3 trade-in and some lv8 destiny heros like dreadmaster or dogma. that way you can also use 3 destiny draws. 19:52, December 27, 2009 (UTC)