Forum:Need help with a deck idea....

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i want to make a deck with power , and creativity .... and under eighty bucks... with the light end dragon, and the calculator...1.can it be done...and 2. what would i need...?:3

Some sort of "Creator Turbo"..........

I'm not exactly sure, but that would fit what you want, right? I have far too much money to do it myself, but maybe someone else could make you it. It would involve dumping The Creator into the grave many times, removing it with Freed the Brave Wanderer, then bringing them all back at once, and using their effects to bring back a swarm then OTK someone. --Akiza'sRose66 02:37, 31 July 2009 (UTC)

thxs 4 the help...the creator huh?^-^ ill get right on it...!

If only MacGyver played duel monsters...--Helix-king 06:21, 31 July 2009 (UTC)