Forum:Polymerization question

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Here's my question. Let's say I own polymerization and 3 blue eyes white dragons but I don't have the blue eyes ultimate dragon card. Can I still create blue eyes ultimate dragon without the card? Also does this apply to all monsters?

--Blueyeyesawesomedragon 02:59, 31 January 2009 (UTC)

Ummmm no


No you can't.. Cloak007 03:47, 31 January 2009 (UTC)

  • If you could fusion summon a monster without owning the actual fusion monster card, then it would be kind of pointless to make fusion cards in the first place. --EgyptianGods 04:51, 31 January 2009 (UTC)

I guess so. But sometimes you may want to fuse monsters that don't have a fusion card to go with them. It's gets annoying but It would be pointless.

darn it! I keep forgetting t sign my name--Blueyeyesawesomedragon 23:20, 31 January 2009 (UTC)