Forum:Rate my synchro deck please

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this is a deck I came up with, please help me improve it


-Krebons x2 -Quillbolt Hedgehog x3 -Level Eater x2 -Level Warrior x3 -Penguin soldier x1 -Flare resonator x1 -The calculator x1 -Quickdraw synchron x3 -Rockstone warrior x1 -Vice dragon x1 -Weeping idol x1 -Junk synchron x2 -Blackwing-gale the whirlwind x1 -Sangan x1 -Jutte fighter x1 -Nitro synchron x1

-Sasuke samurai x1 -road synchron x1


-Double summon x1 -One for one x1 -Synchro blast wave x1 -Swords of revealing light x1 -Battle tuned x1 -Mystical space typhoon -Fighting spirit x1 -Synchro boost x1 - Shrink x1


-Reinforce truth x1 -Kunai with chain x1 -Sakuretsu armor x2 -Bottomless trap hole x1

Extra deck: -Junk warrior x2 -Turbo warrior x2 -Psychic lifetrancer x1 -Scrap archfiend x1 -Nitro warrior x1 -Stardust dragon x1 -Red dragon archfiend x1 -Road warrior x2

Not a bad deck. You may want to add a plaguespreadder zombie.

Personally, if you have some money, I would make a different deck, because if you play at tournaments, there will be many people who beat you (no offense). Trust me- I know from experiance. (talk) 01:28, September 1, 2010 (UTC)

thank you, i apreciate the help

Don't listen to the guy two comments above mine. Just keep making your deck better. It looks like you run a Quickdraw Turbo deck. That link on the left will help you a lot. Also check the Quickdraw Dandywarrior page. Yous should definitly add some Dandylions. Also try the Tuningware/Machine Duplication combo, works like a charm. Other cards you can add, Junk Destroyer, Mind Control, Drill Warrior, Cyber Valley, Cyber Dragon, Cold Wave, Giant Trunade, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, and there's so much more. Hope that helps. --Skiesthelimit (talkcontribs) 23:02, September 1, 2010 (UTC)