Forum:Reflect Bounder

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Since Reflect Bounder's ability makes destroys itself after damage calculation does that mean that if a monster with lower attack than it can just suicide itself and then after damage calculations Reflect Bounder dies?

I've read around in the rulings for the card but all I saw was this : "When an Attack Position "Reflect Bounder" is attacked, it is destroyed by its own effect even if the ATK of "Reflect Bounder" is lower than the ATK of the attacking monster. " which kinda striked me as "well no duh" Aznskills90214 14:33, April 10, 2010 (UTC)

yes, it is destroyed. You also could simply destroy it by attacking it with your Spirit Reaper and so keep your monster^^

that thing there... I think it meant "higher" not "lower"

edit: eh, or it meant: it is destroyed by its effect not by battle, no matter what. But it always gets destroyed if attacked. -dest- 17:00, April 10, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah that's what I thought. Thanks -dest-Aznskills90214 17:12, April 10, 2010 (UTC)