Forum:Solemn Advice

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So basically, it's a slightly more balanced version of this. I can dig that. The Grim Reaper (talk) 11:47, July 11, 2014 (UTC)

Sure seems that way but we don't yet know what the bullets do.--MasterMarik (talkcontribs) 11:51, July 11, 2014 (UTC)

Yeah, though I'm getting the feeling the card is like "If you control no other Set cards in your Spell & Trap Zone: Pay 3000 LP to activate on of the following effects.
Bullet 1: When a monster is Summoned: Negate the Summon and destroy that monster.
Bullet 2: When a card or effect is activated: Negate the activation and destroy that card."
But this is only speculation. The Grim Reaper (talk) 12:06, July 11, 2014 (UTC)
^ exactly that. --UltimateKuriboh (talkcontribs) 12:09, July 11, 2014 (UTC)

I won't be running the card myself. --MasterMarik (talkcontribs) 12:40, July 11, 2014 (UTC)--MasterMarik (talkcontribs) 12:27, July 11, 2014 (UTC)