Forum:Synchro Advice

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Alright, so I used to play pre-GX era and I just got back into the game over the last few months. I've been playing the WC2010 game and I know a lot of the new cards and strategies. However, I remember blowing waaaay too much on cards back in the day because I wanted everything "just in case I ever use it for something." That really isn't gonna fly this time. So I've been hunting down cards on the web and scopin' prices on stuff I like from the DS game to help "modernize" my deck so to speak.

I run primarily fiends, all Dark. I could stand breaking my Dark Deck theme for good synchros but I'd prefer not to if I can avoid it. I've recently come into my first three physical synchro monsters -- Tempest Magician, Chaos King Archfiend and Dark End Dragon. I really want to get Ally of Justice Catastor and I'm considering a second CK Archfiend as it's really easy to pull off a 7 star with all the four stars I've got on hand. I'm also planning on getting the tin in Nov. with Red Dragon Archfiend. As it stands the only good tuners I have access to are 2 Dark Resonator, 1 Infernity Avenger, 1 Sinister Sprocket, and 2 Dark Tinker. I'm considering adding Plaguespreader Zombie to that but something irks me about going back to spending so much on a single card.

My question to those willing to help are: which synchros and tuners should I consider top priority? My limit for most individual cards is about $8, so I know I'll probably never pick up a single of Brionac or Goyo, but I really want to get some utilitarian lvl 6-8 synchros. Of course if that isn't going to happen on the constraints I've set then so be it, no big deal after all. I'm just trying to figure out if my plans are feasible and if the community has anything to offer in the way of helping me construct a revised deck.

Also, the reason I don't want to blow much on cards right now is because I plan on entirely revamping my collection once the Fableds are more widely released (I can't believe how much I like those Light cards.) So if there is anything I could get now that would carry over to them that would be awesome. I have been looking at Dark Worlders and the currently available Fableds for possible purchase in the down time. If it's more reasonable to just hold out a couple months for their release then that's fine with me, more time to save up. Rozonkomo (talkcontribs) 03:59, October 9, 2010 (UTC)

Go for the cheapest yet splashable synchro. It's cheap and handy. Fallensilence (talkcontribs) 14:34, October 9, 2010 (UTC)

Alright, I know just the perfect way for you to synchro summon and use your opponent for it at the same time. The Synchros you will need Dark End Dragon, 5 dollars a piece now on Ebay, Chaos King Archfeind, going around 5 or less aswell, and Stardust Dragon. ( It's not Dark, but it can protect your dark monsters.) For your tuners, Get one more Dark Resonator, 1 dollar or less on Ebay, Junk Synchron, since it's effect will get you a level 5 synchro monster and it's extremely common, and Krebons, since it can stall time for synchro summons. Now for your tuner support cards, have 3 quillbolt hedgehogs, which gives you a two level boost, revival gifts to reuse synchro summons and give your opponent tokens which you can use to your advantage. (Red Dragon Archfiend Linage of Destruction combo.) Use powerup ccards such as Mystic Plasma Zone to give all of your dark monsters an extra 500 attack points. Some protection cards such as Destruction Jammer, and when Marik's structure deck is released, mirror force, which will be a good 5 to 6 dollars on ebay. Almost forgot about one important card, Limit Rebirth, which will get you back a monster with 1000 or less attack points from your grave to the field. With these cards, synchro summoning will be quite easy and won't be costly. Have fun. :D Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 16:49, October 9, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks Adam, I know I didn't list my deck before but I actually have Mirror Force already (from it's first release), Mystic Plasma Zone has been in my deck for near forever, and I plan on having AFDragon when he comes out in the tin in november. I could borrow/pick up some junk synchrons and quillbolts from my local shop, I've been staying away from them because I don't have any level 5 synchros and I don't run that many level 2's or 3's to get out a 7 or 8. I'll look into revival gift, haven't used or thought of it before. Krebons I may have to do some searching for, I don't think my shop has any. Need to look into Destruction Jammer as well and Limited Rebirth. Thanks again, I'll start my new searches asap. Rozonkomo (talkcontribs) 18:56, October 10, 2010 (UTC)