Forum:The Six Samurai using priority

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Hi there, just a little question about six samurai priority:

Player A) Have any monster on his side of the field and a face-down compulsory evacuation device Player B) Have any six samurai...suppose its Six Samurai Yaichi, and summon Hand of the six samurai Player A) Activates Compulsory evacuation device on Hand of the six samurai

Can player B use priority and activate Hand of the six samurai's eff? Can he tribute Yaichi or Hand to activate Hand's eff? I supposse if player A activated CED on Yaichi, Hand's effect doesn't resolve even if player B tried to tribute Hand for it's own effect, am I right?


  --Lance E. Phoenix Lance E. Phoenix (talkcontribs) 21:44, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

I think I can begin to copy my answers, that's the 3rd priority question this evening^^

a player simply has priority. You can't activate anything in response to his summon unless he activates an effect or passes priority. And if he just pass priority and you activate CED it is too late for him to activate a monster effect (unless it is quick which is not the case here). And if you activated CED bevore waiting for your opponent to activate something/pass priority you just played wrong.

So it works like this in that situation: Summon of hand, activate hands effect as priority, tributing yaichi as a cost. You chain CED. It resolves: Hand is sent back to the hand (^^) and then hands effect takes place and destroy your monster. And no, usually monsters don't need to remain on the field for their effects to work.

Or the other possibility: Summon of hand, pass priority, you activate CED on whatever and the monster is sent back to the hand. -dest- (talkcontribs) 22:47, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for your answer, but i think i'll trouble you once again with another question XD:

First, i copied this from The Six Samurai - Yaichi's rulings:

If all other "Six Samurai" monsters you controlled were destroyed by an effect chained to "Yaichi's" effect, "Yaichi's" effect will not resolve.

Does that mean....

Player A) Have a monster and a face-down CED Player B) Have a Face-up yaichi and summons Hand, and declares he is activating Hand's eff

Can player A chain CED to Hand's eff and return Yaichi to Player B's Hand? Or does Hand's eff occur first? I Think i look like a fool, asking this, because it would be like Hands eff is Chain link 1 and CED Chain link 2, so CED should resolve first and Hand's eff would disappear...but im not really sure.

Thanks a lot again ;D Lance E. Phoenix (talkcontribs) 00:32, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

Hand of the Six Samurai's effect, unlike The Six Samurai - Yaichi, will still resolve properly if all the other Six Samurais on the field are removed before its effect's resolution. ATEMVEGETA (Talk) 08:52, December 2, 2010 (UTC)