Forum:Trading tips

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hey guys. these are my trading tips, use these and you will be an A class trader.

  • Make the trade your way
  • Trade for cards you think will help your stratergy
  • (i mean cards with lots of potential)
  • do not only trade for strong cards (only if you are using a beatdown deck)
  • Trade for cards with strong effects
  • if you want to trade rare cards then the price should be high ( e.g a GBA slifer the sky dragon min 3 cards max 5 cards or more)
  • (once i traded a cards for 12 or more cool cards)
  • also do not always look for super rare versions unless you are only going to sell them
  • know about the cards and the trader before trading
  • make sure you don't get fake cards
  • if your trader is asking you for a card and he really wants it then ask him or her for a really good/cool/rare card that he would not give so the price world be low
  • this is it so have fun trading
  • also write you trading tips

Be sure you know how much your card(s) you want to trade are worth. Like knowing that Wattgiraffe is 3-5 dollars or a common Mirror Force is 4 dollars. You research how much your card(s) are worth before selling or trading them away to ensure you have not be duped. Automation44 (talkcontribs) 23:29, February 11, 2011 (UTC)Automation44