Forum:Turbo decks

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What makes a deck a turbo deck. Im not talking about turbo duels in 5ds but like diamond dude turbo decks and such.

Turbo decks are designed to be very very fast. Diamond Dude Turbo decks used the effect of Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude to draw a lot of cards for free, and win with a swarm courtesy of Dimension Fusion. Exodia Turbo uses insane amounts of draw spells and targets to get the 5 pieces in hand instantly. Etc. Runer5h 23:54, January 31, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h

so they just have drawing power? or by fast you mean like win pretty fast, and get all your good cards in a few turns.

The second one. They will usually have great draw power to get their combo pieces. Runer5h 03:25, February 1, 2010 (UTC)Runer5h