Forum:Yami's Soul Room + Yugi's Mind or Puzzle

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A person's soul room is supposedly inside the character's mind, but there are some things that don't make sense. Just like when I asked if it is the mind or soul, or both (since they're "connected"), are sent to the dub's Shadow Realm after losing a Shadow Game, the person who answered said not everything had any sense, even a fantasy type of theory, and that couldn't be answered, since Mai's mind was sent there, but Yami Marik's soul was in the finale.

Can anyone answer this? In "Showdown in the Shadows", Yugi's mind becomes restless while asleep, and so the Puzzle flashes and he "wakes up" (although it's not a dream) inside his mind and leaves his soul room and enters Yami's room, even though he's not wearing the Puzzle and it's just on his bed. However, after Yami Bakura loses to Yami Marik, the part of Yami Bakura's soul he put in the Puzzle causes him to go in the Puzzle, or rather in that room, instead of the Shadow Realm, and he implies that the soul room is in the Puzzle by stating that the Puzzle is "the dwelling of the Pharaoh himself". So where exactly is Yami's soul room/mind--in a part of Yugi's mind like we saw when Yugi entered and talked with Yami, or in the Millennium Puzzle, where he lived for thousands of years before Yugi put it back together? Could it be in both places, just like both the mind and soul are able to be sent to the Realm?Mistystar31 (talkcontribs) 21:35, November 18, 2014 (UTC)

Well, is his soul room in part of Yugi's mind, in the Puzzle, or in both, just like how Yami Bakura placed part of his soul in a different area (the Puzzle)?Mistystar31 (talkcontribs) 06:06, November 29, 2014 (UTC)

So his soul and its room, along with his mind, is inside the Puzzle, but his soul can go inside Yugi's body and take over. And because of the two's great bond, Yugi was able to go into Yami's soul room through his own mind, instead of traveling into the Puzzle.Mistystar31 (talkcontribs) 02:21, December 9, 2014 (UTC)