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Does anyone else think they could have explained Yliaster abit better? Seasons 1/2 described it as a secret organization that generally existed for a long time that was generally worshipped and did things to support the Signers in olden times.

Rex Godwin and Jeager seemed to create their own version in the current day Neo Domino City in order to help them find the identity of the Signers.

Then Season 3/4/5 fucks things up and instead it appears to be a very exclusive manipulative society with advanced time travel tech controlled by a futuristic old man and his robot clones that acts very much like the modern day depiction of the Illuminati.

not to mention it still irks me that the mysterious guy who talks with Rex/Jeager in 28/56, and the younger guy who talks with Rudger was never explained to this day. I wish more had gone into this massive change.

Also disappointed the Yliaster members in the Fortune Cup (outside of Bommer) were one-shot characters. Kinomiya was deliciously epic, and would have liked to actually see Shira get to do something besides getting jumped. Also wondering if Gill and Kodo were killed by Aki or not.--RexGodwin (talkcontribs) 00:28, March 9, 2015 (UTC)

Yes. Unfortunately, I'm too divided by other things on the Wiki to solely focus on watching 5D's for the Yliaster plotline (focusing on screencapping cards, watching for dub differences and all that, instead). If you want to recreate the whole article from the bottom-up, feel free to create a sandbox of your own to construct it in before converting the article. Better that than having the actual article stuck between different narrative styles, as you continue to edit it. --UltimateKuriboh (talkcontribs) 00:42, March 9, 2015 (UTC)

Well i really wasn't speaking from an editing perspective; mostly just for a general plot discussion. But yeah i do feel the Yliaster article is kinda a mess, but i blame the jumbled series depiction of it more than anything. But yeah im more interested in hearing other peoples thoughts on the matter and their interpretation of it. Of course im solely talking about the original canon version, as I have no idea or interest in whatever plot holes and non-canon interpretation the dub probably made.--RexGodwin (talkcontribs) 00:56, March 9, 2015 (UTC)