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673 bytes added, 14 years ago
My Decks
* [[Raigeki Break]] x2
This deck is a lockdown using the effect of [[Arcana Force XXI - The World]] to skip you opponents turn be skipped forever. It works by removing from play [[D.D. Scout Plane]] with [[Strike Ninja]] to have 2 monsters to tribute for [[Arcana Force XXI - The World]] allowing you to draw as many cards as you need until you can safely kill your opponent. This deck needs to send [[D.D. Scout Plane]] to the graveyard not remove from play so a Macro deck will cause this loop to stop, so it is smart to keep a [[Raigeki Break]] facedown so you can stop cards that remove cards from play.([[Imperial Iron Wall]] does not work in this deck, in fact it will stop this lockdown)
Deck progress: Almost Finished
Anonymous user

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