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[[File:5Dx135 ZONE.jpg|thumb|left|Full view of ZONE.]]
ZONE is contained in a machine shaped like either a comma, the number six, or a [[Wikipedia:Magatama|Japanese magatama]] (depending on its position). The backside and front-side resemble the [[Yusei Go]]'s, with all markings identical to that of the Duel Runner, albeit in the exact '''opposite color scheme''' ''(white with red instead of red with white)''. A more humanoid figure is inside the machine, whose face is mostly covered, but only a portion around his eye is visible, which is the same color, shape, and position as [[Yusei Fudo|Yusei's]] eyes. The figure has a marking similar to Yusei's [[criminal mark]]. ZONE's helmet/head also is exact to Yusei's helmet ''(including the yellow diamond in the center front)'', but also opposite color scheme ''(white instead of red)''. His human outfit also shares design with Yusei's jacket, for instance the two gem-like garments on it's collar. A notable fact is when he is upside down, in his comma form, he appeared to help Yusei and co. He saved Yusei, Bruno and [[Sherry LeBlanc]] from being blown up in Sector Security. He also gave Yusei his "[[Shooting Star Dragon]]" in order to defeat [[Primo]]. Since then, he has been shown in his right side up position, plotting to erase [[New Domino City]] and kill the [[Signers]], along with [[Aporia]] and Sherry. ZONE appears to have [[Duel Monsters]] cards in the blue canisters that are on his machine body, it is unknown as of yet what these cards are or what they do for ZONE.
ZONE has also taken the form of [[Dr. LeBlanc]].
Anonymous user

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