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Card Tips:Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth

2,308 bytes removed, 12 years ago
Waaaayyyyyy too complex, it's even much more complex than Elemental HERO Gustaph Max OTK which logically, would be done instead of this to win.
* This card can make the use of "[[Chaos Greed]]", "[[Dimension Distortion]]" and "[[Chaos End]]" very useful.
* How to summon Sophia, the Creator in one turn:
1. Activate "[[Fusion Gate]]"
2. Activate "[[Chain Material]]"
3. Fusion Summon "[[Elemental HERO Electrum]]" (eff: Return all banished Monsters to deck.)
4. Fusion Summon Electrum
5. Xyz Summon "[[Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max]]" (using 2 Electrum)
6. Remove 1 Material, inflict 2000 Damage
7. Fusion Summon "[[Elemental HERO Gaia]]" (Using Gustaph and Electrum in Grave)
(Gustaph’s Material gets send to the Graveyard)
8. Fusion Summon Gaia (Using Gaia and Electrum in Grave)
9. Repeat steps 3-8 until your opponent has 3000 or less Lifepoints
(Now you will have 1 Gaia and 1 Electrum on the field and 2 Gaias removed from play)
(As soon as you have 2 Gaias on your side of the field, use both to summon 1 Gaia from your Extra Deck BEFORE you summon Electrum)
10. Fusion Summon "[[Elemental HERO Absolute Zero]]" (Using Electrum on the field and 1 Water in your deck)
11. Fusion Summon "[[Worm Zero]]" (Using all 6 Worms in your deck) then use its third effect to draw 1 card.
12. Fusion Summon Electrum
13. Fusion Summon Worm Zero (Using all 6 Worms and your Worm Zero on the field, draw 1)
14. Fusion Summon Absolute Zero (Using Absolute Zero and Electrum)
15. Fusion Summon Electrum
16. Repeat Steps 13-15 until you get all cards listed below:
- "[[Quickdraw Synchron]]"
- "[[Level Eater]]"
- Sophia the Creator
- "[[Evigishki Psychelone]]"
- "[[Gishki's Duplicate Soul Mirror]]"
(Now you have 1 Gaia, 1 Absolute Zero, 1 Electrum and 1 Worm Zero on your field)
17. Fusion Summon Gaia (Using Absolute Zero and Gaia)
18. Xyz Summon Gustaph Max (Using Electrum and Worm Zero)
19. Special Summon Quickdraw Synchron, by sending Level Eater to the Graveyard
20. Special Summon Level Eater by reducing the Level of Quickdraw to 4
21. Synchro Summon Junk Warrior (Using Quickdraw Synchron and Level Eater)
22. Ritual Summon Evigishki Psychéloné by activating Gishki’s Duplicate Soul Mirror
23. Banish Elemental HERO Gaia, Super Dreadnought Cannon Express Gustaph Max, Evigishki Psychelone and Junk Warrior to summon Sophia the Creator.
24. TROLL EDIT: Or just use this combo to burn your opponent to death with Gustaph :P
Anonymous user

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