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{{Infobox character
| image = Jewels-TF04TF05.png| caption = Jewels, in ''Tag Force 45'' and ''Tag Force 6''
| en_name = Jewels
| ja_name = {{Ruby|田中|たなか}}  {{Ruby|奈津代|なつよ}}
| romaji_name = Tanaka Natsuyo
| ja_trans_name = Natsuyo Tanaka
| gx02_deck = Phoenix's Dreams
| gx04_deck = Recovery Waltz
| gx06_deck = Recovery Revival Waltz| tf04_deck = Romance of the Foreign Fenghuang Romance's Wings| tf05_deck = The Tale of the Fenghuangs of Duality| tf06_deck = The Two Legend of the Fenghuangs' Legend of Light and Darkness
| ja_voice =
===Tag Force 1-3===
[[File:Jewels-GX06TFGX.png|thumb|left|Jewels, in ''Tag Force 1-3''.]]
Jewels is an [[Obelisk Blue]] student at [[Duel Academy]].
{{clear left}}
====Tag Force====
During [[Tyranno Hassleberry (Tag Force)|Tyranno]]'s fourth-to-last story event, Jewels and [[Andrea (Tag Force)|Andrea]] Tag Duel against the player and Tyranno.
===Tag Force 4-6===
===Tag Force 4-6===
Jewels can be found in Satellite.
===Tag Force 4===
<blockquote>現在はサテライトで暮らす自称「旅人」。 学校を卒業後、男勝りの彼女も大人の女性らしく成長するが内に秘めた好奇心と行動力だけは抑えることができず世界の面白いものを見て回りたいと家を飛び出す。 その日から、いろいろなところを放浪する旅人となる。 親しくなった人に愛称をつけるクセは抜けておらず旅した先々で出会った人に勝手な愛称をつけている。いまはサテライトが刺戟的なので腰を据えているが、また退屈の虫が騒ぎ山したら別の場所に放浪するであろう。 巨大な権力とコネがあるようで、たとえ法律の及ぶ範囲であっても彼女は自由に行き来している。{{Ruby|現在|げんざい}}はサテライトで{{Ruby|暮|く}}らす{{Ruby|自称|じしょう}}「{{Ruby|旅人|たびびと}}」。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|学校|がっこう}}を{{Ruby|卒業|そつぎょう}}{{Ruby|後|ご}}、{{Ruby|男|おとこ}}{{Ruby|勝|まさ}}りの{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}も{{Ruby|大人|おとな}}の{{Ruby|女性|じょせい}}らしく{{Ruby|成長|せいちょう}}するが{{Ruby|内|うち}}に{{Ruby|秘|ひ}}めた{{Ruby|好奇心|こうきしん}}と{{Ruby|行動力|こうどうりょく}}だけは{{Ruby|抑|おさ}}えることができず{{Ruby|世界|せかい}}の{{Ruby|面白|おもしろ}}いものを{{Ruby|見|み}}て{{Ruby|回|まわ}}りたいと{{Ruby|家|いえ}}を{{Ruby|飛|と}}び{{Ruby|出|だ}}す。<br/><br/>その{{Ruby|日|ひ}}から、いろいろなところを{{Ruby|放浪|ほうろう}}する{{Ruby|旅人|たびびと}}となる。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|親|した}}しくなった{{Ruby|人|ひと}}に{{Ruby|愛称|あいしょう}}をつけるクセは{{Ruby|抜|ぬ}}けておらず{{Ruby|旅|たび}}した{{Ruby|先々|さきざき}}で{{Ruby|出会|であ}}った{{Ruby|人|ひと}}に{{Ruby|勝手|かって}}な{{Ruby|愛称|あいしょう}}をつけている。<br/>いまはサテライトが{{Ruby|刺激的|しげきてき}}なので{{Ruby|腰|こし}}を{{Ruby|据|す}}えているが、また{{Ruby|退屈|たいくつ}}の{{Ruby|虫|むし}}が{{Ruby|騒|さわ}}ぎ{{Ruby|出|だ}}したら{{Ruby|別|べつ}}の{{Ruby|場所|ばしょ}}に{{Ruby|放浪|ほうろう}}するであろう。<br/><br/blockquote{{Ruby|巨大|きょだい}}な{{Ruby|権力|けんりょく}}とコネがあるようで、たとえ{{Ruby|法律|ほうりつ}}の{{Ruby|及|およ}}ぶ{{Ruby|範囲|はんい}}であっても{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}は{{Ruby|自由|じゆう}}に{{Ruby|行|い}}き{{Ruby|来|き}}している。</blockquote>A self-proclaimed wanderer who currently resides in Satellite. An energetic, tomboyish woman with uncontrollable vigor and curiosity. After graduating, she left her home to explore the world in search of interesting things. Her habit of giving nicknames to anyone she becomes close to still remains.She arrived to Satellite recently, and is currently staying in the area due to finding it interesting. She could leave at any given time if it becomes boring to her, though.
<blockquote>A self-proclaimed wanderer who currently resides in Satellite.<br/><br/>An energetic, tomboyish woman with uncontrollable vigor and curiosity that remain unchanged from her school days, she left her home after graduating to explore the world in search of interesting things.<br/><br/>Since then, she has wandered everywhere, and has visited all kinds of places.<br/><br/>Still has a habit to nickname to anyone she becomes close to, and gives peculiar nicknames to anyone she meets in her travels.<br/>She is staying around in Satellite due to finding the area interesting, but if she ever gets bored of it, she could just wander elsewhere.<br/><br/>Seems to have very influential connections with important people, as she can travel freely through any areas regardless of their jurisdiction.</blockquote>
===Tag Force 5===
<blockquote>旧サテライト地区で暮らす自称「旅人」。 湧き上がる好奇心男勝りの行動力の向かうまま世界中を旅して回っていたが、統一前にたどり着いたサテライトが刺戟的でしばらく逗留することにした。シティと統一された今も変化を続けるこの地は未だ彼女にとって刺戟的なようなのて、滞在は延長されるだろう。 いろいろな人と出会い、いろいろな話を聞くのが何よりも好き。親しくなった人に勝手な愛称をつけるクセは抜けておらず、行く先々で出会った人に彼女にしかわからない愛称をつけている。 詳細は不明だが、巨大な権力とのコネがあるらしく、通行制限や立ち入り禁止区域なども顔パスで行き来することができる。{{Ruby|旧|きゅう}}サテライト{{Ruby|地区|ちく}}で{{Ruby|暮|く}}らす{{Ruby|自称|じしょう}}「{{Ruby|旅人|たびびと}}」。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|湧|わ}}き{{Ruby|上|あ}}がる{{Ruby|好奇心|こうきしん}}と{{Ruby|男勝|おとこまさ}}りの{{Ruby|行動力|こうどうりょく}}の{{Ruby|向|む}}かうまま{{Ruby|世界中|せかいじゅう}}を{{Ruby|旅|たび}}して{{Ruby|回|まわ}}っていたが、{{Ruby|統一前|とういつまえ}}にたどり{{Ruby|着|つ}}いたサテライトが{{Ruby|刺激的|しげきてき}}でしばらく{{Ruby|逗留|とうりゅう}}することにした。<br/>シティと{{Ruby|統一|とういつ}}された{{Ruby|今|いま}}も{{Ruby|変化|へんか}}を{{Ruby|続|つづ}}けるこの{{Ruby|地|ち}}は{{Ruby|未|いま}}だ{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}にとって{{Ruby|刺激的|しげきてき}}なようなので、{{Ruby|滞在|たいざい}}は{{Ruby|延長|えんちょう}}されるだろう。<br/><br/>いろいろな{{Ruby|人|ひと}}と{{Ruby|出会|であ}}い、いろいろな{{Ruby|話|はなし}}を{{Ruby|聞|き}}くのが{{Ruby|何|なに}}よりも{{Ruby|好|す}}き。<br/>{{Ruby|親|した}}しくなった{{Ruby|人|ひと}}に{{Ruby|勝手|かって}}な{{Ruby|愛称|あいしょう}}をつけるクセは{{Ruby|抜|ぬ}}けておらず、{{Ruby|行|い}}く{{Ruby|先々|さきざき}}で{{Ruby|出会|であ}}った{{Ruby|人|ひと}}に{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}にしかわからない{{Ruby|愛称|あいしょう}}をつけている。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|詳細|しょうさい}}は{{Ruby|不明|ふめい}}だが、{{Ruby|巨大|きょだい}}な{{Ruby|権力|けんりょく}}とのコネがあるらしく、{{Ruby|通行制限|つうこうせいげん}}や{{Ruby|立|た}}ち{{Ruby|入|い}}り{{Ruby|禁止|きんし}}{{Ruby|区域|くいき}}なども{{Ruby|顔|かお}}パスで{{Ruby|行|い}}き{{Ruby|来|き}}することができる。</blockquote>
<blockquote>A self-proclaimed wanderer who resides in what used to be the Satellite district. <br/><br/>A woman who travelled all over the world to satisfy her curiosity, she arrived to Satellite before its reunification with the Cityand decided to stay around due to finding the area intersting.The area still interests her intensely<br/>It seems she will remain in Satellite for a while, seeing as its current situation makes it change constantly, so ongoing constant changes are something she finds exciting.<br/><br/>What she likes most is staying around. Likes to meet all kinds of people and hear stories from them.Her <br/>Still has a habit of giving peculiar nicknames to anyone she becomes close to has not gone away, and she gives unique nicknames to everyone anyone she meetsin her travels is also given a nickname that other people cannot understand<br/><br/>While no specific details are know, she seems to have very influential connections. She has special permission , as she is freely allowed to go through traffic lines and enter areas that are otherwise either restrictedor forbidden to the general public.</blockquote>
===Tag Force 6===
<blockquote>旧サテライト地区で暮らす自称「旅人」。 湧き上がる好奇心男勝りの行動力の向かうまま世界中を旅して回っていたが、統一前にたどり着いたサテライトが刺戟的でしばらく逗留することにした。しかし、そろそろ刺激が足りなくなってきたのか、次の旅への欲求がふつふつと湧いてる。 いろいろな人と出会い、いろいろな話を聞くのが何よりも好き。親しくなった人に勝手な愛称をつけるクセは抜けておらず、行く先々で出会った人に彼女にしかわからない愛称をつけている。 詳細は不明だが、巨大な権力とのコネがあるらしく、通行制限や立ち入り禁止区域なども顔パスで行き来することができる。{{Ruby|旧|きゅう}}サテライト{{Ruby|地区|ちく}}で{{Ruby|暮|く}}らす{{Ruby|自称|じしょう}}「{{Ruby|旅人|たびびと}}」。<br/><br/>{{Ruby|湧|わ}}き{{Ruby|上|あ}}がる{{Ruby|好奇心|こうきしん}}と{{Ruby|男勝|おとこまさ}}りの{{Ruby|行動力|こうどうりょく}}の{{Ruby|向|む}}かうまま{{Ruby|世界中|せかいじゅう}}を{{Ruby|旅|たび}}して{{Ruby|回|まわ}}っていたが、{{Ruby|統一前|とういつまえ}}にたどり{{Ruby|着|つ}}いたサテライトが{{Ruby|刺激的|しげきてき}}でしばらく{{Ruby|逗留|とうりゅう}}することにした。<br/>しかし、そろそろ{{Ruby|刺激|しげき}}が{{Ruby|足|た}}りなくなってきたのか、{{Ruby|次|つぎ}}の{{Ruby|旅|たび}}への{{Ruby|欲求|よっきゅう}}がふつふつと{{Ruby|湧|わ}}いている。<br/><br/>いろいろな{{Ruby|人|ひと}}と{{Ruby|出会|であ}}い、いろいろな{{Ruby|話|はなし}}を{{Ruby|聞|き}}くのが{{Ruby|何|なに}}よりも{{Ruby|好|す}}き。<br/>{{Ruby|親|した}}しくなった{{Ruby|人|ひと}}に{{Ruby|勝手|かって}}な{{Ruby|愛称|あいしょう}}をつけるクセは{{Ruby|抜|ぬ}}けておらず、{{Ruby|行|い}}く{{Ruby|先々|さきざき}}で{{Ruby|出会|であ}}った{{Ruby|人|ひと}}に{{Ruby|彼女|かのじょ}}にしかわからない{{Ruby|愛称|あいしょう}}をつけている。<br/><br/blockquote{{Ruby|詳細|しょうさい}}は{{Ruby|不明|ふめい}}だが、{{Ruby|巨大|きょだい}}な{{Ruby|権力|けんりょく}}とのコネがあるらしく、{{Ruby|通行制限|つうこうせいげん}}や{{Ruby|立|た}}ち{{Ruby|入|い}}り{{Ruby|禁止|きんし}}{{Ruby|区域|くいき}}なども{{Ruby|顔|かお}}パスで{{Ruby|行|い}}き{{Ruby|来|き}}することができる。</blockquote>A self-proclaimed wanderer who resides in what used to be the Satellite district. A woman who travelled all over the world to satisfy her curiosity, she arrived to Satellite before its reunification with the City.However, her desire to continue her travels is beginning to flare up.
Likes <blockquote>A self-proclaimed wanderer who resides in what used to be the Satellite district.<br/><br/>A woman who travelled all over the world to satisfy her curiosity, she arrived to Satellite before its reunification with the City and decided to stay around due to finding the area intersting.<br/>However, her interest in the area seems to be waning, and she might be reigniting her desire to continue travelling.<br/><br/>What she likes most is to meet all kinds of people and hear stories from them.Her <br/>Still has a habit of giving peculiar nicknames to anyone she becomes close to has not gone away, and she gives unique nicknames to everyone anyone she meetsin her travels is also given a nickname that other people cannot understand<br/><br/>While no specific details are know, she seems to have very influential connections. She has special permission , as she is freely allowed to go through traffic lines and enter areas that are otherwise either restrictedor forbidden to the general public.</blockquote>
==Ending Scenes==
Jewels uses Decks that revolve around "[[Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys]]" as well as other monsters that revive themselves upon being destroyed.
Similarly to "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys", the name of Jewels' Decks allude to the [[wikipedia:Fenghuang|Fenghuang]], a bird from Chinese mythology that shares some similarities with the [[wikipedia:Phoenix|Phoenix]].
===Tag Force===
 {{Decklist|name = Phoenix's Dreams| ja_name = 鳳凰の見る夢| romaji_name = Hō'ō no Miru Yume| ja_trans_name = Dreams of the Fenghuang| level = 8
|effect monsters =
* [[Breaker the Magical Warrior]]
* [[Marshmallon]]
* [[Mobius the Frost Monarch]] x2
* [[Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys]]
* [[Sangan]]
* [[Treeborn Frog]] x2
===Tag Force 2===
'''"Recovery Waltz 4"''' is only used by Jewels during the story event that features her.
{{Decklist|name = Recovery Waltz 1| ja_name = 蘇生のワルツ1| romaji_name = Sosei no Warutsu 1| ja_trans_name = Revival Waltz 1| level =
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Recovery Waltz 2| ja_name = 蘇生のワルツ2| romaji_name = Sosei no Warutsu 2| ja_trans_name = Revival Waltz 2| level =
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Recovery Waltz 3| ja_name = 蘇生のワルツ3| romaji_name = Sosei no Warutsu 3| ja_trans_name = Revival Waltz 3| level =
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Recovery Waltz 4| ja_name = 蘇生のワルツ4| romaji_name = Sosei no Warutsu 4| ja_trans_name = Revival Waltz 4| level =
|effect monsters =
* [[Curse of Vampire]]
===Tag Force 3===
 {{Decklist|Recovery name = Revival Waltz 1| ja_name = 蘇生のワルツ1| romaji_name = Sosei no Warutsu 1| level =
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
* [[Premature Burial]]
* [[Scapegoat]]
* [[Smashing Ground]] x2
* [[Swords of Revealing Light]]
|traps =
{{Decklist|Recovery name = Revival Waltz 2| ja_name = 蘇生のワルツ2| romaji_name = Sosei no Warutsu 2| level =
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
{{Decklist|Recovery name = Revival Waltz 3| ja_name = 蘇生のワルツ3| romaji_name = Sosei no Warutsu 3| level =
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
===Tag Force 4===
Jewels' Decks in ''Tag Force 4'' are titled '''"Foreign Fenghuang Romance" ({{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|翼|よく}}{{Ruby|異邦|いほう}}{{Ruby|浪漫|ロマン}}, ''Hō yoku ihō roman'')'''. The [[wikipedia:Fenghuang|Fenghuang]] is a bird from Chinese mythology that shares some similarities with the [[wikipedia:Phoenix|Phoenix]].
{{Decklist|name = Romance of the Foreign Fenghuang Romance 's Wings 1| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|翼|よく}}{{Ruby|異邦|いほう}}{{Ruby|浪漫|ロマン}}1| romaji_name = Hōyoku Ihō Roman 1| level = 2
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2
{{Decklist|name = Romance of the Foreign Fenghuang Romance 's Wings 2| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|翼|よく}}{{Ruby|異邦|いほう}}{{Ruby|浪漫|ロマン}}2| romaji_name = Hōyoku Ihō Roman 2| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
{{Decklist|name = Romance of the Foreign Fenghuang Romance 's Wings 3| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|翼|よく}}{{Ruby|異邦|いほう}}{{Ruby|浪漫|ロマン}}3| romaji_name = Hōyoku Ihō Roman 3| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
{{Decklist|name = Romance of the Foreign Fenghuang Romance 's Wings 4| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|翼|よく}}{{Ruby|異邦|いほう}}{{Ruby|浪漫|ロマン}}4| romaji_name = Hōyoku Ihō Roman 4| level = 8
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
===Tag Force 5===
Jewels' Decks in ''Tag Force 5'' are titled '''"The Tale of the Fenghuangs of Duality" ({{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|陰陽|いんよう}}{{Ruby|奇譚|きたん}}, ''Hō-ō Inyō Kitan'')'''. Inyō refers to cosmic dual forces that complement and balance each other, similarly to how [[wikipedia:Yin and yang|yin-yang]] is used in Chinese philosophy.
{{Decklist|The name = Tale of the Fenghuangs of Duality 1| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|陰陽|いんよう}}{{Ruby|奇譚|きたん}}| romaji_name = Hō'ō Inyō Kitan| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2
{{Decklist|The name = Tale of the Fenghuangs of Duality 21| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|陰陽|いんよう}}{{Ruby|奇譚|きたん}}1| romaji_name = Hō'ō Inyō Kitan 1| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
* [[Ally of Justice Catastor]] x2
* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Colossal Fighter]] x2
* [[Dark End Dragon]] x2
* [[Doomkaiser Dragon]] x2
{{Decklist|The name = Tale of the Fenghuangs of Duality 32| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|陰陽|いんよう}}{{Ruby|奇譚|きたん}}2| romaji_name = Hō'ō Inyō Kitan 2| level = 8
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
{{Decklist|The name = Tale of the Fenghuangs of Duality 43| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|陰陽|いんよう}}{{Ruby|奇譚|きたん}}3| romaji_name = Hō'ō Inyō Kitan 3| level = 9
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
* [[Breaker the Magical Warrior]] x2
* [[Chaos Sorcerer]] 2 x2 ([[Destiny Draw (rule)|D]])
* [[Gorz the Emissary of Darkness]] x2
* [[Hand of Nephthys]] x2
===Tag Force 6===
Jewels' Decks in ''Tag Force 6'' are titled '''"The Two Fenghuangs' Legend of Light and Darkness" ({{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|明暗|めいあん}}{{Ruby|伝説|でんせつ}}, ''Hō-ō meian densetsu'')'''.
{{Decklist|The Two name = Legend of the Fenghuangs' Legend of Light and Darkness 1| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|明暗|めいあん}}{{Ruby|伝説|でんせつ}}| romaji_name = Hō'ō Meian Densetsu| level = 5
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
{{Decklist|The Two name = Legend of the Fenghuangs' Legend of Light and Darkness 21| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|明暗|めいあん}}{{Ruby|伝説|でんせつ}}1| romaji_name = Hō'ō Meian Densetsu 1| level = 4
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3
{{Decklist|The Two name = Legend of the Fenghuangs' Legend of Light and Darkness 32| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|明暗|めいあん}}{{Ruby|伝説|でんせつ}}2| romaji_name = Hō'ō Meian Densetsu 2| level = 6
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x2
{{Decklist|The Two name = Legend of the Fenghuangs' Legend of Light and Darkness 43| ja_name = {{Ruby|鳳|ほう}}{{Ruby|凰|おう}}{{Ruby|明暗|めいあん}}{{Ruby|伝説|でんせつ}}3| romaji_name = Hō'ō Meian Densetsu 3| level = 7
|effect monsters =
* [[Apprentice Magician]] x3

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