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Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! - Episode 062

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In space, [[Yuga Ohdo|Yuga]]'s Road can be seen ascending with [[Otes]]. The Goha president is surprised that Yuga has created a hyperspace by closing the distance at lightspeed. Otes worries that if he and Yuga keep going at this speed, they will be done for. But Yuga interrupts him that he knows and Otes knows just as well what he's going to do. Otes is impressed that Yuga claims to know his feelings. The Metal on Yuga's Road begins to break as Yuga and Otes continue ascending.
Back in [[Goha City]], the Ohdo cats marvel as [[Yuhi Ohdo|Yuhi]] realizes that something is off with this town. Yuamu says it feels like [[Mutsuba Town]], but it's not. Yuga sighs that it has been so long and sees that there are so many [[Kaizo]]s. He tells the Ohdo twins that this is a world far, far beyond their time. [[Yuamu Ohdo|Yuamu]] gasps that this is the future. Yuhi assures her that they went to the Velgear Cluster at the edge of the universe and going to the future shouldn't be all that surprising. Yuamu notices Yuhi's tail wagging and informs him that it's telling a different story. Yuhi yells that he is and is amazed that they're in the future. Yuamu laments that just when she got accustomed to being a card, they ended up in the future and she can't wrap her tail around this. Yuga tells her that the system that turns people into cards may be the process of converting people from three to two dimensions is still imperfect and if space is unstable, then time would be too. Yuamu says it makes sense. Yuhi interrupts the conversation as he excitedly thinks there's got to be flying cars and TV phones. Yuamu stops him since he's already seen crazier things, like spaceships. Yuhi dreams if they were in the future, there has to be robots. Yuamu says that it may be the future, but before she says anything about the robot, Yuga reveals that they exist, much to the Ohdo siblings' shock. Yuga also says that it broke down already. Yuamu asks if there's any talking cats like [[Nyandestar]] in this era. Yuga says there isn't. Yuamu thinks it's a bad idea for them to stand out. Then, someone in a [[Nekoyama Schroedinger|cat someone in a at costume]] approaches the Ohdos. He meows, pointing out that the cats are talking.
At the park, the cat costume guy knew that Yuga came back in this cat form. Yuhi asks Yuga who is that guy and it doesn't seem like he's an alien. Yuga tells him that the cat costume guy is Nekoyama Schroedinger, a friend of his in this era and he is definitely an Earthling. Nekoyama is pleased to make the Ohdos' acquaintance. Yuhi asks if this is alright about them and he informs Yuga and Yuamu that if they go into another era and start talking about stuff, he doesn't know what the passage might do. Yuamu helps him out by informing him a time paradox, which brings Yuhi back to his senses. Yuhi wonders if this would be bad and Yuga says he would say the opposite. Yuamu thinks it would be more concerning if people from the future came to the past instead, which shocks Yuhi, who finds out that he and Yuamu are already in trouble since Yuga told them stuff. Yuga asks Nekoyama if he has grown taller. Nekoyama tells him that it's already been two years since he has. He also informs that two years ago, Yuga disappeared during his last Rush Duel with Otes. Yuhi asks Yuga what kind of Duel did he have. Nekoyama says that it was an epic Duel that's still talked about today, but he was stuck on Earth, so he doesn't know all the details. Yuga realizes that the fact he fought Otes hasn't changed at all. Yuamu asks Nekoyama if he has aliens in this time period.  Yuhi wonders what's up and his sister notices that he clearly has forgotten that they are fighting the [[MIK]] and [[Phaser Ryugu Phaser]]. Yuhi muses that Phaser wanted to get rid all of the aliens from Earth. Then, the Ohdo siblings had their minds hit; did they win the battle or Phaser did? Yuamu bets that the results of their struggle should be reflected in this era. Yuhi asks about UTS, but Yuamu tells him that they don't have time for that information. As the two cats dash off, the camera zooms in to show that Yuga has a pin shaped like Otes on his chest.
At a Fieldfield, Yuhi wonders if this is the place. He and Yuamu realize that there's nothing there, including UTS. Yuhi wonders if Phaser ended up winning. Yuamu says that they don't know yet as her glasses shine bright.
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