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Set Card Lists:Creation Pack 04 (OCG-AE)

100 bytes added, 1 month ago
CR04-AE028; ;
CR04-AE029; ;
CR04-AE030; Aria the Melodious Diva; R
CR04-AE031; ;
CR04-AE032; ;
CR04-AE033; Soprano the Melodious Songstress; UR
CR04-AE034; ;
CR04-AE035; Tamtam the Melodious Diva; R
CR04-AE036; ;
CR04-AE037; ;
CR04-AE038; ;
CR04-AE039; ;
CR04-AE040; Schuberta the Melodious Maestra; R
CR04-AE041; ;
CR04-AE042; Bloom Prima the Melodious Choir; SR
CR04-AE043; Bloom Harmonist the Melodious Composer; SR
CR04-AE044; 1st Movement Solo; R
CR04-AE045; ;
CR04-AE046; Ostinato; SR

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