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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Episode 009

1,263 bytes added, 16 years ago
Episode Summary: rest of summary
The two guards drag Himuro to the center of the long term section, for everyone to see him. Takasu announces that Himuro has committed a serious crime and everyone is to take responsibility for it. All their sentances are to be extended by a year and they are not allowed to leave their cells. The inmates begin to complain. Himuro tells them to shut up. The world doesn't need any single one of them. They're kind doesn't have freedom rights. All they have is the misery to live in the shadows, he says. "If anyone has any complaints speak up". Yusei interupts him aying that no one is this world is unneeded. He claims Himuro is innocent and a genuine duelist. Takasu points out that he, himself, is also a duelist and asks Yusei if that means Himuro is genuine and he is a fake. Takasu proposes a duel; If Yusei wins he'll forget Himuro's crime and won't lenghten Yusei's sentence, but if he wins... Yusei finishes his sentance saying he'll be at Takasu's mercy for the rest of his life. Takasu agrees and sets the duel for tomorrow at half past eight. Yusei says that's fine. Aoyama begins to tell Yusei that if he does that, but he's interrupted by Yanagi screaming as the guards drag him to Takasu after finding he has cards. Yanagi pleas with them not to take his cards but Takasu punches him away and confiscates his deck.
Himuro and Yanagi are tossed into a cell. Yusei rushes to them and is followed by many other inmates. Himuro has also had his deck confiscated. Aoyama tells Yusei that Takasu has suckered him; without a deck, Yusei will be little more than a joke. He requests that the two of them just escape. Yanagi and Himuro will be unable to come in their condition. Yusei declines. Aoyama is astonished and says that no one in the center has honor. Yusei tells him that if someone duels him that makes them his friend. If he left without his friends he wouldn't be truely free. Aoyama gets annoyed and tells not to act tough, without a deck. He then runs off saying "Do whatever you want then, freaking hell". The other inmates confront to Yusei telling that he's really went and done it now and they need a little chat. The next mornng at 8:30, the guards escort Yusei to Takasu, who thinks Yusei has no deck, allowing him to win by default. But Yusei shows him he has a deck. Takasu, in shock, asks how he got that. Yusei says that Taksu doesn't understand the care a dueist can have for a card as he reflects on last night, whenthe other inmates spoke with him. They each gave him cards important to them for Yusei to use against Takasu. Yusei is given a [[Duel Disk]]. Both players have their Duel Disks chained to the ground. As they duel, individual inmates light up, when Yusei plays a card they gave to him. Yusei recieves an electric shock whenever his [[Life Points]] take damage. Takasu explains that both players are subjected to a shock when they take damage and it is unlikely that the loser will survive. Only a small current passed through Takasu when he took damage. Takasu calimed that his is out of order. Ther inmates boo and accuse Takasu of setting that up.

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