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Carly Carmine

154 bytes removed, 13 years ago
World Riding Grand Prix
With the start of the preliminary rounds, Carly, along with Mina and [[Stephanie]], are seen cheering for Jack. Once he loses the duel against [[Andore]] and manages to get back to the Pits, Jack is transported to a nearby clinic due to his injuries from his crash. Carly along with Mina and [[Stephanie]] were then seen sneaking into his room to stay by his side and hoping he would wake up. After Jack wakes up, Carly and the others help Jack get to the Pits to encourage Yusei to win. Carly informs the gangs/[[Team 5D's]] situation over [[Team Unicorn]]. After Team 5D's victory over [[Team Unicorn]], she is seen celebrating with the team at the garage, but leaves early to go home.
Before Team 5d's match with [[Team Catastrophe]], Carly and the gang review their previous matches and try to figure out how they manage to make their opponent's crash. Carly then remembered that she recorded the match and the gang gets angry since she didn't show them the video earlier. But still, with the help from Carly's video-tape of the match, the team learns that every time Team Catastrophe's opponents crash, the same monster is always on the field: [[Hidden Knight -Hook-]]. They deduce that every time Hidden Knight -Hook- activates its effect, the opponent's Duel Runner always locks up the back wheel. After finding the connection, they learn that Akiza was in an accident similar to Crow's and Team Unicorn's. The next day, Carly and the gang watch as Team Catastrophe's first duelist duels against Crow, who is out for revenge against them for his arm and putting Akiza in a coma. They watch the duel closely as Hidden Knight -Hook- activates its ability and notice that a shadow hook appears from Crow's Runner's shadow, realizing that is how Team Catastrophe is able to crash their opponents. Later when [[Team 5D's]] match against Team Tayio Taiyo begins she is once again seen cheering on for Jack in the audience. During the Diablo Incident, she runs out of the stadium and into her car and starts taking pictures of the wreckage when her camera explodes. She looks to sky and says to herself what is happening to New Domino City[[File:Carlycheeringforjack.png|thumb|Carly cheering for jack]]
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