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Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel 027

2 bytes added, 14 years ago
Jonouchi asks what the ceremony is about. Yugi replies that it makes him nervous. He looks back at one of Kaiba's guards standing at the door and comments that he thinks they are being watched and locked inside the mansion, like that Kaibas don't want them to leave. The butler arrives and apologizes for keeping Yugi and Jonouchi waiting. He informs them that Kaiba will now see them.
Kaiba appears at the top of the stairs, saying that it is good to see Yugi and Jonouchi again. Both of them look up at him startled. Kaiba asks why the long faces, it has been so long since he has seen them and would like to have some fun together. Jonouchi asks Kiba tells Kaiba to cut the crap; he forced them to come and then his little brother tried to kill them and now he expects them to be happy to see him. Kaiba smiles that it was cheeky of Mokuba and that they will have to forgive his little games. Jonouchi yells back that you don't get killed by little games. Yugi asks where Kaiba is taking them. Kaiba laughs that it is a place you can only dream of. He inists that they are wasting time and better get going. The servants all bow as the three leave.
In the limousine, Kaiba explains that he took over [[KaibaCorp]] when [[Gozaburo Kaiba|his father]] passed away six months ago, but his dream is finally complete and he is sure that Yugi and Jonouchi will enjoy it as much as he does. When a large skyscraper with a dome on top comes into sight, he tells them that they can see it from here. Yugi and Jonouchi are both amazed and Kaiba explains that this is [[Kaiba Land]], an indoor amusement park.

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