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10 bytes added, 8 years ago
"Infernities", despite their enormous Synchro Summoning and Xyz Summoning ability, have a number of crucial weaknesses.
* Cards that banish, negate effects or stop your options, like "[[Macro Cosmos]]," "[[Dimensional Fissure]]," "[[Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror]]", "[[Necrovalley]]", "[[Royal Decree]]", "[[Rivalry of Warlords]]" and "[[Skill Drain]]," are major threats.
** These shortcomings can be combated with side-decked copies of Side Decking "[[Imperial Iron Wall]]", "[[Burial from a Different Dimension]]", and "[[Mystical Space Typhoon]]" or "[[Twister]]"to counter this counter. ** Most of these threats can be dealt with quickly by using "[[Diamond Dire Wolf]]", however it is a bit of a double-edged sword, as you now lose your monster and had to change your play to your disadvantage even though you got rid of a problematic card.
* Cards like "[[Effect Veiler]]", "[[Maxx "C"]]" "[[D.D. Crow]]" and "[[Battle Fader]]" that can be activated from the hand can also pose problems, due to the fact you need to empty out your hand and you may have no more plays left if victim to these cards.
** "[[Mind Drain]]" will help greatly against these threats, rendering them all useless to your opponent but not hurting you, as you want no hand and therefore cannot run them. Be warned that you will not be able to activate the effect of "[[Infernity Archfiend]]" from the hand while "[[Mind Drain]]" is face-up on the field, so you may want to use one or two copies of "[[Trap Stun]]" to counter this negative.
* Without a strong [[Extra Deck]], "Infernities" are a fairly weak archetype, with their most powerful non-Synchro card being "[[Infernity General]]," sporting 2700 ATKwith no restriction of summon. Furthermore, the deck's dependency on an empty hand is a weakness in itself.  
* Field-wipers like "[[Judgment Dragon]]" or "[[Black Rose Dragon]]" can seriously cripple the deck if a player decides to set his or her entire hand in order to gain access to "Infernity" effects. "[[Infernity Guardian]]" could be a life-saver in such a situation.
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