Talk:Ninja Deck

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Behemoth, purely for attack strength? If you want a monster with strong attack, try Frostosaurus, or Super Conductor Tyranno - 2700 isn't much.

Looks to me like somebody's just posted their deck list. -- 14:00, 6 May 2009 (UTC)

Although I use this kind of deck, this isn't my deck list; I don't use all of these cards, they are just cards that would work in the deck. Obviously, I'd welcome additions to this page, but it is a pretty undersupported type, so there may not be a whole lot to add. And the point of Behemoth is that it can be summoned with Ninjitsu Transformation; 2700, while not amazing, is the highest attack for a level 7 beast, winged beast, or insect.