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I got the username LLawliet37 from the anime/manga series Death note, a character named L who dies later in the series, was my favourite character in anime/manga.

That is the reason why I chose my user name as LLawliet37...

Yugioh wiki[edit]

I joined the yugioh wiki because I loved playing yugioh, it was the best!

Deck lists[edit]



Arcana Force 0 - The Fool X2

Arcana Force I - The Magician

Arcana Force III - The Empress X3

Arcana Force IV - The Emperor X3

Arcana Force VI - The Lovers X3

Arcana Force VII - The Chariot

Arcana Force XIV - Temperance

Arcana Force XVIII - The Moon

Arcana Force XXI - The World

Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin X2

Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior X2

Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon X2


Owner's Seal

Cup of Ace

Ribbon of Rebirth

Demise of the Land X2

Mystical Space Typhoon

Light Barrier X2

Realm of Light X3


Reversal of Fate X2

Arcana Call X2

Soul Rope

Lucky Chance X3

Light Spiral X2

Destruction Jammer X2


I have never lost a duel with this deck and I think it is really effective, say what you want about Sartorius's Arcana cards and Lightsworns don't mix but I think it is a really good combination...


Coming soon!