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--SilentSwordsmanLV5 05:14, 10 April 2007 (UTC)

About SilentSwordsmanLV5[edit]

Well, I don't have much to say right now, but I am a huge fan of yugioh tcg. I have been playing the tcg about the time Pharaoh's Servant was released several years back. I am currently working on completing the Deck Types section and Card Combo section for this site during my free time.

I am willing to help out anyone with there deck, just post you questions/problems in my discussion section hear and I'll check up as soon as I can.

Favorite Monsters: Silent Swordsman LV5, Summoned Skull, Guardian Angel Joan, D.D. Assailant

Favorite Spells: Brain Control, Swords of Revealing Light, Mausoleum of the Emperor.

Favorite Traps: metalmorph, Dark Coffin.

Favorite Banned List Card: Pot of Greed.

Favorite new cards: Advanced Ritual Art.

Favorite yu-gi-oh wiki links: Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series

My fun deck[edit]

comming soon...

My Tournament Deck[edit]

comming soon...


These are mostly just deck ideas I have. Some of them are just ideas Im testing out and I have not fixed some of the problems that I see.
