User talk:Domino2097

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RE:Liberty at Last![edit]

Wow, that's pretty cool. Do you think you could possibly scan it? I believe in such an instance we would still go with the higher rarity for the main image, but I may be mistaken. Regardless, we should have as high quality an image for the gallery as possible. Thanks! --Golden Key (talkcontribs) 02:49, December 8, 2011 (UTC)

I should be able to scan it yes, I'll upload again when I manage to get it scanned. Domino2097 (talkcontribs) 02:53, December 8, 2011 (UTC)

Actually I have just looked at my brother's version of the same card which he got with a second hand version of the game and that is super too but has the misprint on it so it seems that the European version was only ever super rare but was still misprinted Domino2097 (talkcontribs) 03:01, December 8, 2011 (UTC)