User talk:Red Eyes Black Kid

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Hey, I wanted to start your talk page for you because i cant really post things in the archive. You asked a very good question and yes Necroface's effect goes off but when he is removed from the field and resummoned, his attack is reset but when he is removed from play (with future visions), his second effect activates and you and your opponent will mill the first 5 cards on top of your deck to the RFG zone, which will help subside the deck thickening and help mill some of your opponents deck but if you dont have visions Necroface will get the ATK boost. Hope this helps! NYKid8295 09:45, December 5, 2009 (UTC)


Aslla Piscu is too much because you have to tribute for it and maintain it on the field too. It is too much work + i had to take an extra week for your deck because i couldnt figure out the right combination of cards. I was going to use 3 Barbaros and 3 Fire but they were too much. I was probabl going to use 3 Water as well but i didnt want to overload the deck with dead draws because like i said, all other ladies other than light are dead draws unless you tribute summon Dark or Earth which i wouldnt care to do if i can help it. Have you tested the deck yet? When you do, tell me. You probably should before you buy the cards. You see, i cant test any of the decks because YVD got screwed for me and i hate proxies so the deck was complete theory but i am very good at theory because i am a smart person (not wanting to sound like i'm full of s***):) I hope this doesnt kinda piss you off but if Tantara signed off on it and with a smile too, he must have thought the deck was good. BEWK and some others on the Deck Guide forum thought it was good + my core deck too (which was also totally theoretical). All of my decks are but they are all doing good so far. NYKid8295 22:09, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

If you have any more questions or want me to look at any of your other decks go to my talk page and post it there. Dont hesitate at all. I am very happy to help so ask for anything. Dont go to Decks for Free because then you will have to wait for me or tantara because BEWK goes for decks he likes but i dont care that much. I take any deck that sounds interesting or i get an idea about, i research every variant of it and how it is usually used, and then i go at it for a week or more and start producing one of a kind decks that you probably wouldnt have thought of for a while. Do you have msn. My address is [email protected] Add me and we can talk about yugioh or other stuff too:) NYKid8295 22:15, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

That was pretty fast. Does the deck cost a lot because i just went full out? Sorry i am posting such long posts too. Its a habit. I usually have a lot to say. NYKid8295 22:17, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

Hey man, did you finish getting the deck together? Have you tried it out yet? Keep me posted! I was thinking of doing a Spirit version of the deck for another user who asked for a Spirit deck but he doesnt like fortune ladies. I hope i can convince him to let me do a build with them because fortune ladies are a good toolbox. NYKid8295 21:25, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

  • Work? How old are you? I guess you must be in colege or like senior year of high school if you have a job. I am only 14 yet age means nothing because i am clearly very skilled in building decks as you can see, lol;) Alright, so when the test results are in give me the good news! If it doesnt fair well i can redo it if you give me the stats. Tell me what works and doesnt work and i will tune it. The deck was in theory because i have no way to test them but i am good at math and logic so i can estimate how a deck will fair and work by the card counts and stuff like that. NYKid8295 10:23, December 13, 2009 (UTC)
  • All right, that souns cool. College must be friggin awesome but hard work too. This is kinda weird though. I am 14 and your 19 yet i build the deck for you and not the other way around. Kinda funny though i am not saying your lame or anything and its just yugioh anyway so yeah. NYKid8295 15:37, December 14, 2009 (UTC)

Really? Its popular in college? Wow. Who is it popular among though, the geeks or just everybody or something because it is a little weird that people play it in college when you guys would be talking about girls and doing weed instead of playing a TCG, lol. NYKid8295 19:58, December 15, 2009 (UTC)