User talk:X-XDemonLeonX-x

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  • Sorry if i sounded rude or something, i didnt mean to offend you or anything but you can probably tell that we are more of an elite group and it would be annoying if every duelist who wants to be on here asks for trials and crap when they arent even any good or just mediocre. The thing is that you have to have experience and be a good deckbuilder all around and a pretty good one at that. Basically, what i am trying to say is that we cant waste our time with everybody who asks unless they are obviously good or at least a little better than ok in our eyes and are worth looking deeper into. I looked at your deck and i dont understand why you need yubel in there at all. He is a good monster but he doesnt go with Crystal Beasts and that many of him in an already slow deck slows the deck down even more. Hamon is enough. I say you should use him at 2 or 3. Mybe add in a cauis or two because Crystal beasts have some ss power so you can try him as removal and as a beatstick. These are just some suggestions of course. Or better yet, use Magna Slash Dragon or Gravi Crush Drago because they are even better in this deck. BTW, Yes you can use Crusader to give Exemplar more counters. Try Exemplar at two if you want BTW but i kept her at one pretty much because i already had summoners and i wanted to keep the deck at 40 ( i always strive to do that). Breaker isnt limited or even semi limited, he's unlimited now. If you cant find a mirror force, use a 3rd roar i guess but try to get it because mirror force is the best trap for the deck, and the best period. I dont know our meta but if you want to go a little anti meta, use some D.D Crows or some Rai Ohs if you want. There isnt much that will do anything to the deck because it doesnt use the grave except for Dragon's Mirror but you can use some Kycoos too. Keep an extra Exemplar and Gemini SUmmoner in the side deck too because they can speed up your deck a little more but i only used 1 of each because they are somewhat slow as summoners because Exemplar needs a good amount of spell counters and Gemini Summoner can only use his effect at the end of your opponent's turn. NYKid8295 14:49, January 3, 2010 (UTC)