Forum:A different view on deckbuilding

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i have read so many deck guides and they all seem to focus on one central idea. build a deck that focuses on one central idea such as a lockdown, burn, or beatdown deck. but what i've realized is i build my decks a completely different way. i also duel a little differently (i follow all the rules) i've always been a traditional duelist (i love delinquent duo and pot of greed) so my decks have some cards others wont of course, but i build them with a completely different idea in mind. see usually youll build decks that focus on dragons or the aesirs or the red eyes monsters. i build mine a little like this.

1. favorite card is a staple (kuriboh has never been out of my deck. never since i started playing. my lucky card)

2. unpredictable. theres no way on earth your opponents gonna know what your thinkin when theres no VISIBLE plan. so i build my decks with the idea of keep a central idea. but dont make it obvious, hence stopping any chance of someone preparing a deck to counter yours.

3. fun... yup. i build my decks with cards i love to use, idc if there good or not, if i enjoy the duel i'm happy.

4. keep it least try. i have a deck with about 55 cards in it. thats a little more than people will reccomened but theres so many different ideas in there it's hard not to draw something useful.

5. strategies win duels. but back up plans save your life. i practice a way of building to where you can keep one idea but still fit a whole lot of combinations there. in short i make it versatile. even the most useless cards can save your life if you know how to use it in your situation. you have 5 cards and 1000 life points. your opponent manages to summon a blue eyes on his turn with soul exchange. saving you for one turn. you draw. you have NO MONSTERS! oh no what do you do? now what i do is possibly controversial and you don't wanna try it if you arent willing to take one heck of a risk. no telling how many times a facedown you cant even use has saved my life. this little plan wont work in the big leagues...sometimes, but if your in need of an ace in the hole and you dont have one. then do step 6

6. mental dueling... if theres anything i've learned it's you need a certain level of stability in your thinking in order to duel well. a players confidence in their cards is their strength. take that away and youve got yourself an advantage. it's called bluffing. you play a card you cant use and (without pushing the rules) slip your way out of losing the duel. if you can successfully bluff your opponent. you've bought yourself an extra turn. this game DEMANDS thinking. if a person cant think without fear. hes not gonna last long. it sounds kinda dirty at first but it isnt. as long as you dont take it too far. the one phrase that's saved the most lives is "are you sure?"

do you see what i mean? theres many different ways you can approach it when building your deck. it's rare you see someone play like this but if you aren't prepared and ready. you might find yourself missing a golden opportunity at the hands of a facedown. i dont build my decks around one type of monster or one type of plan (burning, milling) i think on my toes and i play with a deck that if you looked at it would think im just handing you a win on a silver platter. underestimating a card is a capitol offense when it comes to dueling. it'll lose you the duel.

i don't play dirty but i do play tough. i don't let up and i don't give you time with cards like final have to think fast and break through a solid defense. now for those that think this is absolutely stupid and think im a lunatic. have you ever made a gut decision in a duel? well...imagine a deck where every turn youll have to make one. and just so you almost never bluffing if you think i've got something ready...your probably right. i guess i do have a strategy actually. a parry deck, you get them off their guard and then attack

well i hoped this was informative for you. if you wanna be the best you gotta learn about the different sides of the game.

P.S. i am not saying this is ANY better than any other theories or styles of building decks or dueling and i am not saying im better than anyone else.

( have's only a game, we all lose one eventually) Kuriboh: the 4th god card (talkcontribs) 07:29, August 7, 2011 (UTC) Kuriboh:--Kuriboh: the 4th god card (talkcontribs) 07:29, August 7, 2011 (UTC)

I agree with you. The game has gotten so much more competitive ever since Synchros come out. I see all my decks just spamming and destroying, but I get no fun out of it. So I did the only reasonable thing, build a fun deck. How did I do that? I bought the new starter deck, took out the cards from it that my other decks wanted, then threw a random pile of cards into the leftovers from the starter, and BOOM! Instantly new fun deck. I dueled with it right away and it even beats my brother's decks, the ones where he carefully makes to win easily. I'm much happier now with this deck compared to my X Sabers and such. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 16:04, August 7, 2011 (UTC)

I also agree. Yugioh is so different now than it was before. Back when people had cool cards like Blue-eyes, and that would be their trump card. The reason cards are banned nowadays is because of the metagame abusing them in tournaments. Even the look and feel of new modern cards looks nothing like the old ones. Miss those days.

Getting beaten by someone who has an exact cookie cutter deck from the internet is no fun. If someone defeats me using an old school deck, like a Yugi or Kaiba deck, I give my hat to them

it's good to see im not alone in this. i'm not a fan of banning. if a card was broken, it's for a good reason. someone is skilled enough to make an undefeatable strategy. and if their opponent can't beat it or stop it from happening then it means practice and make an idea. and my trump card is my lava golem by far. summon him in defense mode and if you have mask of restrict their done for. there should be a traditional vs advanced tournament. traditional keeps their cards that are on the list. advanced follows the rules of the new. i love a good competition. but every combo and card has it's weakness and every card is good. no matter what is said about them. you can ask me which card i think is the most under appreciated i will always say gandora the dragon of destruction. it used to be everyone wanted a blue eyes and flip effect monsters were the most feared beings in the universe. i've so far taught 5 new duelists everything i know and one of them was able to take a deck full of random cards and form a FIRST TURN KILL out of nowhere. i will applaud anyone who can say they've killed a five headed dragon with a monster that isn't dragon master knight. heck i did it once with a kuriboh. i'll use synchros, fusions, rituals and everything i can get. i'll put them in one deck and i have one heck of a time dueling with them. --Kuriboh: the 4th god card (talkcontribs) 03:49, August 8, 2011 (UTC)

Lava Golem is a nice card. Hell, it could even be used against a God Card (with their true anime effects), since they have no immunity against being tributed ;)

(RikiNaoe (talkcontribs) 04:34, August 8, 2011 (UTC))

@adamtheamazing64 i'd like to see a card list of your fun deck sometime. i'll post mine below.

--Kuriboh: the 4th god card (talkcontribs) 06:05, August 8, 2011 (UTC)

heck yeah it could. and lava golem isn't the only trump i have in my deck. my biggest trump is definately my five headed combination. five headed dragon, dna surgery, lord of d and raregold armor.

1. equip five headed dragon with raregold. 2. play lord of d. 3. dna transplant to turn everything into dark. and make sure to protect your lord from being destroyed. then five headed is literally invincible. only a dark hole will help...but i have centrifugal field and branch. so it's either five headed. or five dragons. the best ultimatum in dueling :)

by the way any idea where i can get hold of the wicked cards? (dreadroot, eraser, avatar)

Sadly, most of us are a minority to the Yugioh world, are we not? I've tried building fun decks from where I live and what happened to me? I got shot down for being "stupid and ignorant". People that play like us are few and far between. You get yelled at for your own beliefs. "Deck of 50... STUPID" - "One Pot of Greed... WON'T DUEL YOU" - "Arcana deck... NOT META".

It's also sad that when people DO duel against your fun deck, most people use the meta deck. It is incredibly discouraging to play with fun deck when your ass is getting handed to you because fun deck can't compete with meta decks. -- (talk) 07:24, August 8, 2011 (UTC)

i must disagree :) i have one heck of a time dueling metas )but only in person) :) you see. when someone makes a meta deck they form a specific cookie cutter strategy. that's the weak point. i said earlier. i play on the mental side of the game. if they lose confidence in their strategy they won't duel as well. and if they keep on it. well guess what. we can counter. meta decks have ONE strategy. we have many. in other words. if your butt is getting handed to you, then it's time to change it up. dueling is thinking on your feet and one step ahead. so once you see their strategies. find holes. for example. the dragunity monsters weakness is their own effect. they can only be equipped to dragons and winged beasts. but if dna surgery turns them into fairys and you happen to have a yami on the field. well i think you see what i mean. and a dragunity deck pails in comparison to a d.d deck. dragunity can do nothing when their out of play. d.d decks are tough. and i mean TOUGH! but if you think that's is tough. try and take me on. nothing breaks a strategy like taking away their time. you see. to play a deck good. you need to be patient and careful. you can't do that when the final countdown gives you ten turns total to win the duel and you can only attack once against scapegoats and an ultimate offering.

I don't use meta decks. I never have and I probably never will. But I never make a deck unless I think it can consistently beat meta decks. They key word there is consistently. Yes, maybe there is a combo to summon a one turn Dragon Master Knight, but if you can't pull it off 9 times out of 10 it doesn't mean shit. I never build a deck based on a combo that I have less of a chance of pulling off than opening with the 5 pieces of Exodia, which is what just about everything you've described is. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 21:58, August 8, 2011 (UTC)