Forum:Alien Deck

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Revision as of 19:09, 8 August 2009 by VylitLovesViolence (talk)
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Aliens: 40

Yea, this is it's latest incarnation, that I have yet to test, so I don't know what's wrong with it yet. Anyway, the idea is to get as many A Counters on opponent's monsters as possible very quickly, and then overpowering there weakened monsters. Any advice? Goku9821 22:50, 14 September 2008 (UTC)

Why doesn't anyone help me? >_<; I'd really like to know, so I can stop doing it and someone might help. Goku9821 10:41, 15 September 2008 (UTC)

...Please help? ><; Goku9821 20:56, 15 September 2008 (UTC)

...>_>;Goku9821 22:46, 16 September 2008 (UTC)

Don't expect too much help here, people are "oh so busy" helping others with their Top-Tier Meta decks. Doczo 02:59, 18 March 2009 (UTC)

Jesus Christ this is old. I haven't had an Alien deck in months...xDGoku9821 09:39, 23 March 2009 (UTC)

  • oh be nice. you can't judge something as old just because you haven't had one for months. as for the deck idea, I'm in the process of creating an alien deck, actually :D it's kind of difficult, because the aliens are pretty spread out throughout a few different booster series. I haven't gotten my deck up and running yet, so I'm afraid I can't give you much advice at all. but I wish you the best of luck, and I'll let you know what works for me and what doesn't when I get my deck up and running :D

oh, I would put in some Vengeful Bog Spirits, to give you a chance to place A-counters on any monsters your opponent summons. the Light of Intervention is a good idea, especially if you're up against someone who sets a lot of monsters.

~Specter (cow_pi) 17:34, 20 March 2009 (UTC)

Get 3 alien ammonite, drop off the 2 alien kid, get 3 alien warrior, and 3 alien grey, drop 1 Gangi' El, Drop 2 corruption Cell A, Drop the field card, get 3 "A" Cell breeding device, drop 1 Alien Hypno, Drop Crop Circles.

Hey man, I made this deck like, forever ago, this deck is so old and it's new form is so different there's no point in you guys helping with this. Thanks though. x.x;Goku9821 09:39, 23 March 2009 (UTC)

Oh hey, thanks for editing my deck list. >_> You're supposed to give suggestions,, not edit the deck itself.Goku9821 09:40, 23 March 2009 (UTC)

Does ANYONE realize that it is during DAMAGE CALCULATION ONLY?

you should add a Nutrient Z and a Battle Tuned

  • Hey! Another Alien user like me! Alright. I like your deck so far. BUT if you want an Alien Control deck, which is where you utilize A-Counters to take control of your opponents monsters, you should definitely run two or three of Mass Hypnosis. It's a great card, and it's almost like a brain control multiplied by three and it's effect doesn't wear out when it's destroyed at the end of the turn. Also, three Alien Ammonites you have no clue how useful they are until you don't get them. They're a free 2600ATK beat stick along with a way to counter pesky face up spell and trap cards, and can also help you get more A-Counters on the field. Also, if you want to run an alien control deck, you need to have Interplanetary Invader "A" because you'll be able to take control of your opponents monster quite easily. I use A-Counters in a different and slightly more hard way though. Although, I would add in more Alien Dogs just because not only is it a free summon but if used with Alien Ammonite can result in some deadly fire power for Gol'Gar. Just remember, the more A-counters on the field the better. Personally, I like to have Alien Grey in my deck because it results in draw power and one extra A-Counter and can be comboed well with things like Mysterious Triangle or Mass Hypnosis.

I'd definitely scrap things like Crop Circles and Brainwashing Beam because there are better cards and they are pretty out dated. Alien Hypno would be hard to decide whether to keep in or out, but since he's a gemini monster he's a lot harder to use and summon. Definitely add in Offering to the Snake Deity because it's an Icarus Attack for reptile monsters and is definitely a good card to have in an Alien deck can get rid of some pesky things.

Oh yeah! And you're going to run into a problem summoning monsters so you might want to go with Damage = Reptile or Double Summon because they're definitely good for synchro's or just keep your opponent at bay with a lot of beat sticks :3.

Best of luck to you! --VylitLovesViolence 19:09, 8 August 2009 (UTC)