Card Trivia:Bicorn Re'em

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  • This card's "condition" effect is similar to "Debris Dragon", as they both restricted to certain Type, "Debris" for Dragon while this is for Beast.
  • The "Bicorn" component of this card's name can be considered a neologic wording of the word "Unicorn" to imply that "Bicorn" is simply a unicorn with two horns, while the well-known stereotypical Unicorn has one horn.
  • "Re'em" is a beast mentioned nine times in the Bible. The word, "Re'em" is a Hebrew word translated in English as "unicorn". The word seems to originate from the Akkadian cognate "rimu", as Bos primigenius, the aurochs, progenitor of cattle.
  • This card seems to resemble "Voltic Bicorn" due to its "milling" effect, name, and Type.