Forum:Twilight-sworn, Rate My Deck!!

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I have a Twilight Lightsworn deck that I really like and want to see how you guys see it.

Monsters - 26

Lumina, Aurkus, Lyla x2, Garoth x2, Jain x2, Ryko x2, Wulf x2, Thunder king Rai-oh, Honest x2, Plauge speader Zombie, Shiny Black "C", Kuriboh, Mask of Darkness, Necro, Celestia x2, Gragonith, Chaos Sorcerer, JD x2

Spells - 11

Dark Hole, Gold Sarc, Fissure, MST x2, Foolish Burial, Nobleman of Crossout, Charge of the light Brigade, Smashing Ground, Solar Recharge x2

Traps - 9

Mirror Force, Bottomless Trap Hole, D-Prison, Dark Bribe x2, Divine Wrath, Needlebug Nest, Beckoning Light, T-Roar,

Side Deck

Gorz, Phantom of Chaos, Judgment of Anubis, Lightsworn Barrier, Magical Mallet, The Calculator, Shadow Imprisoning Mirror, Giant Trunade, Monster Reborn, Shire, Lightsworn Spirit, Sangan, Lightwave tuning, Monster Reincarnation

I like it, I know I need a couple of changes. Let me know what you think and any suggestions you may have.


Sorry, too many inefficient cards, no focus, and not enough balance, and your sidedeck should be there to cover your weaknesses, not to put random cards into it.

No apoligies needed, I put it up here so I could get this deck better. Since the last time I posted I did change my deck up. Up top is my new deck list, Any suggestions you may have will be greatly appriciated.

It should look more like this, trust me, experience in the face of neediness helps

If you can find it and room, put in a Starlight Road Silvah777 (talkcontribs) 02:54, September 24, 2010 (UTC)