Forum:Gladiator Beast Brigade

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This is the improved gladiator beast deck and its a whole lot better so thanks for your suggestions takuma & blue eyes white kid.

Side Deck

  • Congrats on the new deck and hope your build works out, just remember to switch around the deck if so and so card isn't working. As for your sideboard take a look at the Card Twister, it is an excellent sideboard against anti meta the counter to your deck pretty much. Other than that stick an extra copy of waboku at least in your sideboard to add more defense with tagging if need be, if they attack and you suspect they have honest waboku solves the honest problem in a way. Also I read that you don't draw chariot that often so the two equestes probably could be put to one equeste and just add another chariot. Usually I don't find much use in bringing back a GB card from grave other than chariot considering that I think Darius' effect is one of the best for GB's even if the tagged in monster gets no effect and goes back to deck if darius is removed from field.
  • By the way sangan can stay (Since it searches kitty...slower but searches kitty and stuff, and Spirit reaper is good depending on area and play styles, here Spirit reaper is useless due to destruction by effect.)
  • I actually built a test deck based of GB's but with a strategy I haven't seen too often (Its only missing one OCG card x 3 but it works.) so now I "Technically" have a GB deck (not real, proxied but I do use it as my # 2 deck since I will eventually buy all the cards for the top 2 decks I test.)
  • Trap dustshoot might save you from honest but...war chariot also does that so meh =/. Same ending different method, I find late game draw for trap dustshoot sucks big time since your opponent may or may not have 4 cards in hand because they exhaust their hand. Bottomless should be run at x 2 but mehs whatever works =/.--Takuma. 05:16, 14 April 2009 (UTC)

I like sequels...

  • Don't worry, Takuma, I promise to be more constructive and less arguementive. You are right about the Equestes, in this case, because its not worth it with only 2 War Chariots. Try to get another, Gyzarus, if you can. So, minus 1 Equeste.
  • Please, rid yourself of Spirit Reaper or Sangan. Sangan is too slow for the format; the only thing you want to set these days it Hoplomus. As for Spirit Reaper, the only reason you saw him in the old Prisma format was for CCV. He is also too slow. So, take out the Sangan or the Reaper.
  • Your card ratio is way off, as it is: 23, 11, 8. You need to lower your monster count, I suggest taking out a Darius. That will make a total of 41 cards. If you find a certain card a dead draw many times, or just not needed for your current format, take it out. By the way, the normal Gladiator card ratio is around: 18, 11, 11 - you need less monsters because of their searchability, and more traps to counter the many threats facing Gladiators.
  • I like having Book of Moons and Enemy Controllers, but I find when you have two Books and one E Con, I would rather have a total of three Book of Moons and no Controller, because of its unsurpassed versatility and effectiveness.
  • Ok, so in total, take out:

1 Gladiator Beast Equeste

1 Sangan or Spirit Reaper (both would be much better)

1 Darius, D.D. Crow, or a card you seem to hate to draw

1 Enemy Controller (lesser than the Book)

  • To fill in the gaps I made, I think you should put in:

1-2 Proving Grounds (they are worth it)

1 Book of Moon (a playset of these will serve you better)

  • I hope these tips will help you in your duels! These ideas are all subject to playstyle and local meta. --bewk 20:25, 14 April 2009 (UTC)


do you think i should put in 2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast and take out Enemy Controller.Sangan is for searching out test kitty cat or rescue cat and yes i call Test Tiger test kitty cat.takuma what are you talking about card twister i dont know what that is.--Gyzarus 05:02, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

  • I was refferring to your sideboard (Side Deck), the cards you switch in and out to counter your counter strategy. Twister is a very popular card for that its a quick play spell that says. Pay 500 LP destroy one face up sp/tr on the field. Needless to say it is one of the quickest and best side deck choices against decks like Anti-Metagame decks that use things like skill drain, royal oppression, field spells, and other cont trap cards.
  • Also I didn't notice you EXCLUDED proving grounds in there (I thought it was already in there so I kinda skipped the spell area). Take out One Equeste and the enemy controller for those two proving grounds. Replace trap dustshoot with book of moon if you like (Book is nice to have in threes but really two works well enough.).
  • My GB build is...well odd, I decided to go non mainstream pure Kitty/Prisma build since I was tired of seeing that. It uses three book of moons.
  • Darius can stay since again I think darius' effect is one of the best, like Laquari's and Bestiari's. Again I like GB reitiari better than DD Crow because of searchability and usefulness but I think you should take out crows and add in one Reitiari and one more bottomless (Extremely good nowadays, No joke.).
  • Short version
  • -1 equeste
  • -1 Enemy controller
  • -1 Trap Dustshoot
  • -2 Crow
  • +2 Proving grounds
  • +1 GB reitiari
  • +1 Bottomless trap hole
  • +1 Book of moon/War chariot. (Depends on your local decks...if a lot of people run mirror matches book is probably better, Chariot = GB in grave = Bad = Darius brings it back = Really bad if its Bestiari.)
  • Do not put in phoenix wing blast, its not worth it in this deck to use and you do not need it.
  • Oh yeah and your card ratio's are fine, cold wave makes you rely on your monsters so more monsters can help. Spirit reaper could be taken out though...for Summon Priest, same with the extra book of moon/war chariot I suggested. Summon Priest + Rescue Kitty = Epic deck thinning.--Takuma. 05:34, 15 April 2009 (UTC)

  • I can somewhat agree with Takuma on this issue, but you miss the point of my suggestions.
  • I took out and added cards to either lower the total card count or create a better potency for the deck. With the lack of a playset of Chariots, 2 Equestes are not needed. One will do.
  • Do not use Wind Blasts, for they are a -1 in total: Set PWWB (-1), discard (-1), bounce a card (+1). Simple math. Gladiator Beasts already suffer from low hand counts, so using Wind Blasts will not help that.
  • I recommed a playset of Book of Moons because of the playability, and for an unusual ruling. It states: "When "Gladiator Beast Darius" is flipped face-down, its effect disappears and the effects of the Special Summoned "Gladiator Beast" monster are no longer negated." Book of Moon can flip Darius face-down, therefore activating the Summoned Gladiators effect.
  • Remove a Stratos for a Summoner Monk, because it can do anything Stratos can, and more, and in a better fashion (definitely not fashion sense).
  • The ratio is wrong, with the current ratio, you will get a fistful of monsters much more often. It also makes it harder to draw the wanted cards at the right time. Believing in the heart of the cards dosen't stop dead draws...
  • This is what it should look like:

-1 Equeste

-1 Enemy Controller

-1 Trap Dustshoot

-2 Crow

-1 Sangan

-1 Spirit Reaper

-1 Stratos

+1 Summoner Monk

+2 Proving Grounds

+1 Retiari

+1 Book of Moon

+1 Bottomless Trap Hole

  • Try not to just throw cards in - you must take out cards while adding cards, and try to stick to 40-41 cards. I will keep testing a playset of Waves.
  • Also, Gyzarus, what is your local Meta (what decks you duel alot), because 3 Cold Waves against Lightsworn or other Gladiators may be hurting you more than helping, due to the high amount of chainable spell/traps and their non-reliance on them. By the way, your welcome!!!

--bewk 23:50, 15 April 2009 (UTC)


  • Just to point out blue eyes white kid...He doesn't have Stratos in the deck. But my above suggestions again is what I suggest, Sangan stays in because in my build I used two Summon Priest so its extremely useful to me. The card ratio should be fine because after counting with edits it ends at 20 cards. Now unless you shuffled really horridly you shouldn't draw a handful of monsters but rather a mix in a way. Adding a war chariot/Book of moon/Summon priest x 2 will help the deck (You will be able to make it by on 41 cards, solemns make sure of that).
  • In my opinion the ratio seems fine with the monster count being around 20, considering I have seen decks and have decks that work well with that kind of ratio (about half the deck is monsters, usually without Reinforcements like searching, I don't get many monsters with 14-17 of them.). One summon priest (Replaces Spirit reaper) if you put in a chariot/book of moon, two if you decided to skip those for summon priest. Sangan is slow but if he runs summon priest it works well + Rescue Cat Search (Saved me several times being able to search out a priest then bring to my field many monsters.) Good luck. zzz tired for now :P--Takuma. 23:36, 16 April 2009 (UTC)

  • Odd, thought there was Stratos. Also, I stated you don't need Sangan at all due to massive deck-thinning, and lack of speed/playability. You will not have time to set any monster these days, because of Ryko, Celestia, JD, etc. You should never set a card against Lightsworn players, which are heavily scattered about in almost every local meta.
  • Also, I was counting the ratio before you edited, because I was editing Gyzarus' deck, not yours. And, I was also talking about the total deck count being 42, which should not be. Strictly 40, with 41 as a slight exception.
  • There should not be Sangan, even with Summonner Monk - I don't know how that even makes a difference. Summoner Priest in a mirror match sucks even enough not to mention the over-defensive furry ball. If you let your enemy tag-out with the attack they got from Sangan, it may be hard to recover. Also, two Monks would increase dead/unwanted draws due to the spell-needing effect and the only defensive tactics of him.
  • My suggested build will help summoning, decrease dead draws, increase playability, and toolbox-iness. Gyzarus, please tell me your local meta so I can help your deck more!!! --bewk 00:00, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

  • There you go again with your whole "My Build is superior" again, its that kind of thought process that leads you to not make any significant changes even if the deck build is not working as well as it could be. So the deck is 42 cards, simple edits just need to be put in - I didn't bother counting all of the cards before, I don't have all the time in the day to edit decks for other people. I have other things to do =/. Look we can argue all day however I will say claiming your own build is superior to others does not get you anywhere, I as a person who plays the game as a hobby always question my builds and make frequent edits until I get a build I am very happy with.
  • Short version
  • -1 equeste
  • -1 Enemy controller
  • -1 Trap Dustshoot
  • -2 Crow
  • -1 Spirit reaper
  • +2 Proving grounds
  • +1 GB reitiari
  • +1 Bottomless trap hole

Problem solved, An extra book of moon/Chariot is nice but a bottomless is much more useful in this format. For 41 Cards add a book of moon/chariot/Summon Priest and the problems you had with the build is fixed.--Takuma. 01:29, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

  • "It's that kind of thought process that leads you to not make any significant changes even if the deck build is not working as well as it could be." You should make that kind of comment once you know someone, which is quite impossible on the internet. Every day, I test my builds against my friends on the internet and at my local store.
  • Lightsworn, Monarchs, Dark, mirror matches, and others help create significant changes to my build. To tell you the truth, I update my deck list on my page every week. I have never stated that my build was superior, even though I could. Also, how long does it take for you to count to 40?
  • I take the extra twenty seconds to count up the cards to create a better post with better suggestions; and I even struggle to use correct grammar to help one understand them.
  • Do you see how similair our suggestions are? I only want to make the deck better by creating a more potent build. Its like when they boil maple sap until it becomes syrup. If you can't understand that, just play test this build. Here are my suggestions:

-1 Equeste

-1 Enemy Controller

-1 Trap Dustshoot

-2 Crow

-1 Sangan

-1 Laquari/Prisma

-1 Spirit Reaper

+1 Summoner Monk

+2 Proving Grounds

+1 Retiari

+1 Book of Moon/War Chariot

+1 Bottomless Trap Hole

  • There are less cards, so it will create a better chance of drawing a useful card.
  • "Look, we can argue all day... but I as a person who plays the game as a hobby always question my builds and make frequent edits until I get a build I am very happy with." You took the words right out of my mouth. Do not make this topic turn into a Takuma/bewk argument forum, as that would be against forum policy.
  • I do not wish to argue, but I like to get my point across. Once again, Gyzarus, please tell me your local meta so I can help your deck more!!! Also, Takuma, try not to make comments you can't back up. And, can you post your build on my talk page so I can see it? I am very curious to see how it works/looks.
  • Thought you were sleeping xD? Oh well, sleep good.

--bewk 02:53, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

  • Was resting a little, not sleeping =/. Took a break to help out around the house since I was tired from school. "My suggested build will help summoning, decrease dead draws, increase playability, and toolbox-iness." What you stated earlier. Which to me sounds like "My build is great so don't take into account other ppl's suggestions." What you could rephrase that to is..."I hope you take into consideration both my build/suggestions and Takuma's Build/suggestions" And I dunno about you but regardless of whether or not I counted to 40 the first time I really just wanted to congratulate him since I had other matters to attend to. If you notice i stated in the first reply I just pointed out some simple errors considering what he drew most of the time+Suggested stuff for his side deck since those are an absolute must in competitive play.
  • Just because I didn't want to count 40 cards since I assumed he was proficient enough to keep it at 40-41 doesn't give you the right to ask the question "How long does it take you to count to 40." I really just enjoy the game and usually only go the extra mile to help friends with their decks, not to say I do not try to help others on decks, its just that editing and re editing and doing it again is something I usually only do for close friends (I have helped a couple ppl at my school since everybody else seems a bit preoccupied with their meta decks here. And it takes me a lot longer to fix their deck than this one.). I also post on here as a forum member, not a person who is crazy about grammar, so its fine if you want to use correct grammar, spelled Grammar for your info, its misspelled there. I really don't care since its an online forum. Great you are putting effort into something. :P
  • Either way My build was a for fun build for GB's, not actually meant to be a competitive build, but rather a build that was just well for fun in short. I found that it worked well enough, still needs more testing but the general idea is combining Synchro Cat with GB's. It worked well enough to both spam gyzarus and use synchros while protecting my own monsters...but I doubt I will actually bother making it now. The deck worked out pretty well but again, it was made for fun. Also I am putting all of my resources into my Blackwing deck since my previous deck was made unusable by the limit of Reinforcements of the Army, leaving me with no usable deck. If you look through Synchro cat builds you will find what card I was "missing" that is OCG only...for now, its coming out soon in the next starter deck. If you really are interested in it, make one yourself with your own ideas. I dislike putting my deck lists and exact card ratios online because I hate net-deckers. And even if there is a small chance that somebody will take that build and copy it, I do not want it to happen. (I am not talking about you but others, remember that user pages are public knowledge so if I post it there SOMEBODY might just look and use it =/. I am pretty sure there's a thread around here with a GB build that looks almost exactly like yours.)
  • My tested deck was an idea that is helped along with several recently released cards and one that is OCG only, however pure synchro cat probably works faster/in a better way due to the fact that there are MUCH Better 5 star synchros in Japan. Like the Ally of Justice Catastor and Natural beast. These could also be used with sea Koala and Neo spacian dark panther. Oh and it uses crush card which is out of my price range, and many other people's too. - I have put the #2 deck on hold since I need to get my Blackwing deck straightened up. Probably going to change it to pure synchro cat since I find that GB's are really repetitive to play and they piss off lots of people who play against them.
  • Anyways: Gyzarus, I wanted to ask about your side deck since before I suggested to add 2-3 Twisters. That's for the anti meta decks that run skill drain and oppression, also useful vs. people who use field spell cards (Gear Garden decks seem to work fairly well. Though most of the people where I live have gone to playing meta only now. Including GB's, Lightsworns, and Twilight. Its over 75% of them now.). You might want to try side decking a third bottomless, a third book of moon, and maybe a Waboku. Lightning vortex can be taken out, and other than that...have two copies of both light and shadow imprisoning mirror, if you really want the destruction to be in there have a smashing ground and/or a fissure, the exception to taking out Lightning is if a lot of people use Lightsworn decks. Prohibition is not a must have card for side deck, since you will not always know the cards that comprise an opponent's deck, I know one person who has a deck build that can change into macro monarch using the side deck. He supposedly got very high rank on a recent tournament because his strategy was very diverse.--Takuma. 04:28, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

  • "This deck needs to be hobby league strong or even better." That text is from the previous topic heading, which this topic is a contiuation of. If it were to say near competitive instead of hobby league strong, your you could post your 'just for fun' builds instead.
  • Also, I hope Gyzarus does consider other options, which is why I posted "These ideas are all subject to playstyle..." on my first reply. I just wish for him to know that I believe my deck will be able to survive in mid-to-heavy competitive play more than others.
  • Prohibition is a side-deck must because of the heavy use of Gladiators and Lightsworn, in which all good builds have Honest, Judgment Dragon, Celestia, Wulf, Solar Recharge, Light Brigade or Laquari, Bestiari, War Chariot, Heraklinos, Gyzarus, etc. They will have those in their builds. If they don't, they are lacking in power and will be easy to defeat.
  • I do not wish to aruge, for it is a waste of both are times and my computers battery life. It seems we are both equally stubborn. Also, once again, Gyzarus, please tell me your local meta so I can help your deck more!!! I'm still testing your (Gyzarus') build against average and common meta builds, so I can improve it. --bewk 17:03, 17 April 2009 (UTC)

what do you mean local meta?--Gyzarus 02:17, 19 April 2009 (UTC)

do you mean what decks i go against because the main decks are crystal beast,lightsworns,phoenix deck,beatdown deck,six samurai(kinda).--Gyzarus 09:25, 19 April 2009 (UTC) i forgot that plant deck.--Gyzarus 05:34, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

  • Book of Eclipse works against Lightsworn - When they swarm, flip the Book, and stop their potential OTK. Also, it may mill-out their deck at the same time! It is a good card against them.

This should improve your deck/side deck alot. Keep up your good deck!!! And, yes, local meta is what you guessed. --bewk 23:50, 20 April 2009 (UTC)

local meta

like i said in the first forum i said Gladiator Beast Retiari is kinda the same level as D.D. Crow and Prime Material Dragon is for the guy with the phoenix deck since alot of the cards destroy my cards i will and both of the mirror cards and 3 book of eclipse(really good suggestion) and do you think i should add 2 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast.--Gyzarus 05:29, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

Well, its my personal preference with Retiari, due to his searchability, his decent atk, and he doesn't lower your hand count (discarding D.D. Crow lowers hand advantage). He also takes up less room than two Crows.

  • It can go either way with Wind Blasts, it would really hurt that Phoenix deck you talk about, but on the other hand, it lowers your hand advantage, and is a minus one. And, you never would want to use it against Lightsworn.
  • You could probably side deck it, if you wanted. To make room in the side deck, I'd take out Warrior Elimination, even though you probably have a perfectly good explaination for its existance. I'd rather not use it, and never main deck it, in my opinion. It's up to you.

Also, I'd take out a Enemy Controller for a Book of Moon. --bewk 18:03, 21 April 2009 (UTC)

blue eyes white kid

sorry i messed up your name.--Gyzarus 05:31, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

  • Its ok, it was my fault people got mixed up in the first place. You can refer to me as either, but I prefer kid, for my own reasons. Have you considered my suggestions? --bewk 05:51, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

i will update the deck.--Gyzarus 21:47, 22 April 2009 (UTC)

Want to think about removing the Twisters for Dust Tornados? They do the same thing, but there is no cost and it works on all spell and traps, instead of face-up. --bewk 22:31, 26 April 2009 (UTC)
Well, those can't be activated on the turn you get them. There's the trade-off. Runer5h 23:20, 26 April 2009 (UTC)Runer5h
Thats the down side of all traps, but I prefer cost-less and 1 for 1 traps. It can be a plus 1, too, due to the cards other effect. So, in total, you sacrafice a little speed for card advantage and no cost. It isn't my choice, though. They are both great cards. --bewk 03:05, 27 April 2009 (UTC)


i keeping twister in and i will also looked at what the pros did to there glad guys are right abount rescue builds.--Gyzarus 03:54, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

  • Did you see that top 8 Glad deck list? 3x E-Cons! Thats crazy. I'll try it, but I wont recommend it for your deck due to your 3x Cold Waves. --bewk (talk | contribs) 19:50, 28 April 2009 (UTC)

  • i didnt see the top eight glad decks i just saw the top 16 decks in the shonen jump anehiem.Also i read somewhere there was a harpie monarch deck in ireland that made the top 10 in a tournament so i went to the ireland site but here is only like one page for ireland i was like the hell so i cant wait until metagame site is running again.--Gyzarus 20:25, 29 April 2009 (UTC)
You can say that again. I loved Runer5h 22:57, 29 April 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Not to encourage netdecking...

Here is the deck, taken from

2 Gladiator Beast Laquari
1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari
3 Test Tiger
1 Gladiator Beast Secutor
2 Gladiator Beast Samnite
2 Gladiator Beast Darius
2 Rescue Cat
1 Gladiator Beast Murmillo
2 Gladiator Beast Equeste
1 Brain Control
1 Smashing Ground
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Enemy Controller
3 Book of Moon
3 Gladiator Proving Ground
  • TRAPS:
3 Solemn Judgment
3 Gladiator Beast War Chariot
3 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Torrential Tribute

--bewk (talk | contribs) 23:04, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

i dont have 3 solemns only two.What if i bumped up laquari to 3 and add a hoplomus.dont think i need 3 proving groung so what about 2.and add 2 dimensional prison.limit enemy controller to 2.--Gyzarus 03:59, 1 May 2009 (UTC)

  • <3 I like your new build, with a few adjustments. I'd minus the Breaker for the Proving Grounds. I dislike the total of 42 cards, but you are prone to non-40 decks. Oh well. I bet the D-Prisons are great for your meta. How are they working for you? --bewk3 04:25, 1 May 2009 (UTC)


d-prison works better than phoenix wing wing blast.


i was wondering y ppl add book of moon i have a GB deck and need to see what to improve ty


Say the only two cards I have in my hand are a Gladiator Beast Retiari (1200 ATK) and a Book of Moon; my enemy has a Judgment Dragon(3000 ATK) out, and its my turn. I use Book, flip JD into face-down Defense mode, attack it, and although I loose 1800 Life Points, I can tag out for a Murmillo and kill it. It can also:

  1. Negate effects
  2. Stop attacks
  3. Help out with tag-outs
  4. etc.

It is a very useful card. I run 3 in my Glad deck. -bewk