Forum:Vanity's Mask Lockdown

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Revision as of 16:51, 14 June 2009 by BioMasterZap (talk)
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What's the strongest monster that you can summon, without tributes or special summons? Does it have more than 2400 ATK? Unless it's Giant Kozaky, no, it doesn't. Thus, my newest deck; the Vanity's Mask Lockdown!

So, basically, the idea for this deck is that if I can bring out Vanity's Fiend and Mask of Restrict (I'd planned on using Fog King, but it didn't really work) and protect them, I'll always win in ATK power. To supplement this, I've got the big beaters known as the Koa'ki Meirus.

For monsters, I've got 3 Vanity's Fiend, obviously. Then, I've got a total of 6 monsters which either cannot be destroyed by battle at all, or can't be destroyed by battle once per turn. They are Marshmallon, Spirit Reaper, Dark Resonator, and Fortress Warrior. They're what I'll be tributing for Vanity's Fiend. Then, there's the three Koa'ki Meirus that I saw fit to include; Ice, Bergzak, and Powerhand. They're all perfect for this deck; Ice deals with monsters special summoned before the summoning of Vanity's Fiend; Bergzak can take out lots of monsters at once (it's the main reason for the inclusion of Fortress Warrior), and Powerhand has 2100 ATK. Which is awesome.

For spells, I've got Allure of Darkness; with 6 DARK monsters, it's a no-brainer. Deck Lockdown and Different Dimension Gate serve as continuous spells to fuel Ice, and do fairly well for this deck. Iron Core of Koa'ki Meiru is obvious. Gold Sarcophagus searches out necessary combo pieces. Finally, there's the obvious Mystical Space Typhoon.

For traps, I've got Mask of Restrict. Summon Limit can serve as an interim measure. Dimensional Prison and Bottomless Trap Hole maintain Powerhand, and are great cards for the job at hand. Finally, Dark Bribe and Solemn Judgment stop mean threats to my combo pieces.

Oh yeah; I put in an extra deck, too. Just in case something goes wrong. Anyways, tell me what you think of this concept deck. Runer5h 16:05, 14 June 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

Hmm, I have a monarch deck that uses Vanity so I can probably help. I’m not sure how well the Koa’ki will work.. May be hard to keep drawing cards (like traps) and brining back the iron Core. Could just play ones that you have cards you can reveal in deck or can add in. Powerhand works since you got lot of normal Traps. Ice isn’t that good (assuming that is why lockdown is in deck) and would be better to replace with Rai-Oh. Bergzak is good, but instead of fortress warrior you could try D.D. Warrior Lady and D.D. Assailant maybe? Also you may want Thunder King Rai-Oh (can replace ice), Breaker the Magical Warrior and Chaos Sorcerer (incase you don’t have vanity’s fiend on field). Could also try Cyber Dragon for tributing/light. Dark Resonator doesn’t seem needed, could replace with Gravekeeper’s spy (good def and can be used for tribute). I would probably take out the Summon Limit and do 3rd solemn and bottomless. May also want to add 2 or so Royal Oppressions for extra help. Instead of dimension gate you could do smashing ground and maybe fissure. If you end up taking out the iron core could try stuff like book of moon or such. Really should use Brain Control and Monster Reborn (worth it if you can use when vanity isn’t around). Only other card I can think of to add would be sangan (not that great) and snipe hunter (great plan b =p). Biggest problem would probably be really fast decks (like Lightsworn), card effects (like shrink and Gale of the Hurricane) and skill drain decks (Beast King Barbaros hurts). Not really sure how to bet gale or such, but can always side Barbaros to stop skill drain decks. Hope that helps Bio 16:51, 14 June 2009 (UTC)