Card Tips:XX-Saber Gottoms

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  • Rather than Synchro Summoning this card before starting the Battle Phase, use "Urgent Tuning" to synchro summon "XX-Saber Gottoms" after all of your "X-Saber" monsters have attacked to deal more damage.
  • In a deck that uses several "X-Sabers", you can use "Gottoms' Emergency Call" plus a Normal Summon to quickly get the Monsters needed to Synchro Summon this card.
  • "DNA Transplant" can help boost your chances of summoning this card quicker by changing the attributes of all face-up monsters on the field to EARTH.
  • A quick way of bringing this card out is by first using "Rescue Cat" to Special Summon 2 "X-Saber Airbellum". Since there are 2 "X-Saber" monsters out,you can now Special Summon "XX-Saber Faultroll". You can now choose to either Special Summon a Level 4 X-Saber and than Tune 1 "Airbellum" with "Faultroll" or directly Synchro Summon this card. If your opponent has a clear field or, at the very least, presents no major threat, then attack with your remaining 2 monsters (3 if you've used "Faultroll"'s effect).Then, you can use "Gottoms'" effect to Tribute your remaining X-Saber monsters (or just "Airbellum", since it'll be destroyed anyway) to discard 1 or 2 of your opponent's cards.
  • As the most part of psychic-type monsters are EARTH attribute, by using "Teleport" or "Emergency Teleport" to special summon a "Psychic Commander" (or "Armored Axon Kicker" with "Teleport"), normal summon "Armored Axon Kicker" (special summon "Psychic Commander") in the same turn, "XX-Saber Gottoms" can be easily Synchro Summoned.
  • you use "Junk Synchron" effect to bring "Quillbolt Hedgehog" from the graveyard, then use "Inferno Reckless Summon", to bring another 2 more "Quillbolt Hedgehog" to the field from your hand, deck, and/or graveyard, then, you will be able to synchro summon "XX-Saber Gottoms".