Forum:Neo-Spacian Fusion Deck

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Revision as of 15:45, 1 May 2009 by Kidd 05 u2 (talk)
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I decided to make a concept Neos/Neo-Spacian fusion deck. I was bored, you see. Anyways, this deck tries to bring out any Neos Contact Fusion on short notice. Here's the deck:

Basically, this deck is about the right Neos Fusion at the right time, like a toolbox. For monsters, I have Elemental Hero Neos in threes (of course) and two of each Neo-Spacian except the limited Grand Mole. I also have Neo Space Pathfinder as the Neo Space field searcher, and Prisma to copy the name of Neos for a contact fusion.

Spells are where it gets interesting. E - Emergency Call searches out Neos or Prisma, depending on how I'm feeling at that moment. Ancient Rules summons Neos, because I can't contact fuse from the hand. Neo Space is a given, of course; I also have Reinforcement of the Army to search out Prisma and Neo Space Pathfinder, which in turn searches out Neo Space. (I sort of have 6 copies of Neo Space in this deck.) Convert Contact comes in as the Neo-Spacians' only Archetype-specific draw spell, and it's pretty good - of course, it becomes useless later on, so I have only 2.

Common Soul is really incredible in this deck, and is the main way of getting Neo-Spacians. With it and Neos, or a Prisma double, I can bring out any basic Neos fusion I want. That's great utility right there. Meanwhile, there's Summoner's Art to search out Neos. As of this time, I have essentially 10 Copies of Neos in the deck (Neos itself, Prisma, Emergency Call, Reinforcement, and Summoner's Art). I have Giant Trunade to re-use Common Soul (apparently, if the Neo-Spacian leaves the deck, the Soul just stays there, clogging up space). Monster Reborn can revive Neo-Spacians that I've discarded with Convert Contact, or Elemental Hero Neos itself. O - Oversoul just works with Neos. Finally, Magical Mallet puts Neo-Spacians into the deck, where they can be Soul'd, and giving me new cards.

There's only 5 traps, as you can see. Hero Blast has a great combo with Neos, adding it to my hand and destroying an enemy monster of 2500 ATK or less. Transmigration Prophecy returns Neo-Spacians to my deck. Finally, Dark Bribe negates cards.

How does this deck look? Does it look like it can get out any Neos Contact Fusion? Tell me what you think of this concept deck. Runer5h 23:27, 30 April 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

--Since you only have 3 Trap Cards,i recommend Royal Decree.And also,add 1 Future Fusion,2 Elemental Hero Necroshade,maybe 2 or 3 Elemental Hero Neos Alius,and especially,Elemental Hero Divine Neos.

--I once built this deck w/ the cards i recommended to you,it worked fast.Thats all.

--Jampong 09:23, 30 April 2009

Well, I'm trying to make a Neos Fusion toolbox, so Future Fusion seems a bit too slow. Necroshade seems slow as well - how would it make its merry way to the graveyard? I'm thinking a side-decked Alius, as some beater power, but probably not main-decked, as I'd need some extra support to get it working (like Double Summon, maybe). Finally, I don't know what to take out for Divine Neos, and it seems a little difficult to summon, too (I need 1 Elemental Hero, 1 Neos, 1 Neo-Spacian, and two others? Plus, I'd need to put in Miracle Fusion to support the one card) and, finally, it's a bit underpowered for its summoning requirements. Oh yeah, I have 5 traps now. Thanks for your suggestions, Jampong, but I don't think they'd really work with this version of the deck. Runer5h 01:53, 1 May 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

EDIT: Changed the deck up a bit. I removed one Neo Space Pathfinder and added two Contact Outs. They allow me to switch between Neos fusions quickly and make it easier to get Magma, Storm, or Chaos. Runer5h 02:02, 1 May 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

I like playing neo spacians but my decks are a bit different.
I rather have a slower deck but less dead draws. It's not like you're going against zombies with this anyway
I rather rather use magics and traps for field control and let my monsters survive than use them to special summon monsters
With that said:

Monsters -1 aqua dolphin His fusions aren't even good
+1 cross porter Second efect can be useful
+1 Prisma
+1 stratos How dare you?

-2 Emergency Call with 1 and 1 ROTA is enough for prisma and you don't want neos in your hand
-3 Ancient Rules
+2 Fake Hero works better than ancient rules because of prisma
-1 neo space Overkill
-3 Common Soul Not that great
-2 Convert Contact More often than not it's useless
-1 Summoners art Don't need neos in your hand
-1 oversoul
-2 Magical Mallet You won't need it
+1 Swords of revealling light
+1 Heavy Storm
+1 Megamorph with air hummingbird or flare neos you can easily OTK

-all of them
+2 solems
+2 Scrap Iron
+2 Bottomless
+1 Mirror Force
+1 Torrential

You can also add macro support since you don't use the graveyard

Keep up those concept decks cause they are awesome

--Elemental Hero Necroshade is 1 of the monster cards that will be sent to the Graveyard by the effect of Future Fusion,to summon Elemental Hero Divine Neos.You cannot use Miracle Fusion on Elemental Hero Divine can add 1 Dandylion if you want.But these are just tips.I can see that your deck is fast,so,goodluck.

--Maybe you can help me with my deck sometimes

--Jampong 10:55, 01 May 2009

Thanks for the advice, unnamed Samaritan. (BTW, I added breaks between lines for you.) You're absolutely right about Fake Hero, so I'll sub that in for Ancient Rules. And Aqua Dolphin's fusion is probably the worst of the 6, so I'll take 1 out and remove 1 Aqua Neos. I'm keeping it in as a just-in-case, and also for access to Storm Neos. And I sort of blanked on Stratos - yes, that definitely goes in to replace Aqua Dolphin; what was I thinking? I figure that I already have the Emergency Calls and 1 Reinforcement of the Army, so I don't think I'll need 3 Prismas (Or is it Prismae?) - but I'll trust your judgment and add the last one in anyways. I considered Cross Porter, but I found that the only way to use its effect pro-actively without Missing the Timing was Dark World Dealings, which just seemed like an awkward use of cards. Finally, Elemental Hero Neos stays at 3.

Common Soul stays at 3 too because it's perfect for the toolbox. It's basically 3 more copies of each and every Neo-Spacian. I think I'll trust your judgment on Neo Space and take one out, but I am putting in Neo Space Pathfinder in replacement. At its worst, it's an 1800 ATK monster, so I'm fine with 2. I will take Convert Contact out, as you requested, as it really only works on the first turn and would probably be better for some sort of wacky Neo-Spacian FTK Deck. (Hey, a new deck idea!) I'll be putting in a Divine Neos in replacement for 1 Aqua Neos in my Extra deck, so I'll put in Future Fusion. Oversoul will be taken out for space reasons, I think. And in direct defiance of your suggestion, I'll be putting in a third Magical Mallet! Really, it's my only draw power in the deck. Heavy Storm stays out, because I have Storm Neos as a field reseter. (Think about it - when it wipes the field, it takes out Neo Space, so at the end of the turn it returns to the fusion deck and sends everything else back to the deck.) I'll take out the lone Summoner's Art, I guess, but I don't think I'll need Swords, because if the deck works I'll have a 3000 ATK or more monster on the field by my opponent's turn, and there's no need to stop an attack. Finally, I'd side-deck Megamorph.

I love the Hero Blast/Neos combo a lot, but on further reflection I probably don't need it. And I'll be swapping out the Dark Bribes for Solemn Judgments. Transmigration stays, though, because I can return much-needed monsters to my deck. Scrap Iron Scarecrow and Mirror Force stay out for the same reason that Swords did, but I will put in Torrential Tribute. And I'd rather not put in Macro Cosmos and its derivatives, as there's no space and it doesn't mesh well with the deck.

Here's the revised deck.

Thanks for suggestions and criticisms. Oh, and for the lavish praise too! Runer5h 03:43, 1 May 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

I guess you have to decide which style do you like to play.

I like to stall a little (swords, scrape Iron, bottomless) until I gather everything I need, then wipe the field (heavy, trunade, mirror, torrential) and just then and only then play my fusions and leave my opponent without any time to counter.

PS: cross porter is good for his second effect, but thinking about it sangan is better so I'd put one in to look for the neo spacian you need

PS 2: I don't know how to make a decent post, but I'll learn

Kidd 05 u2 15:45, 1 May 2009 (UTC)