Card Trivia:Darkness Neosphere

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  • Neo-Sphere can be translated as "new orb" or something similar from Greek. This maybe a reference to Darkness' desire to fold the entire world into his own.
  • This card, Raviel, Lord of Phantasms and The Wicked Dreadroot have the highest original ATK of all Fiend-type monsters in the OCG. Of the three, this one has the most strict Summoning Conditions, except this card requires sending 1 fiend monster you control and 1 fiend from hand to the graveyard only when the opponent's monster declares an attack to special summon it as opposed to 3 Tributes.
  • This is the second of the Darkness Monsters to be made into an actual card, the first being Darkness Destroyer.
  • This card bears a slight resemblance to Vanity's Fiend, whose collar resembles Neosphere's left wing, and the white flower petals resemble his right wing. Traditional symbology dictates that evil is left (sinistrum) and good is on the right (dextro) Vanity's Fiend is also a fiend, and can be used as the field or hand tribute for Darkness Neosphere