Forum:Rate My Fire Deck

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Revision as of 18:02, 11 February 2011 by (talk) (Edited Deck (54))
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My Deck

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Rate My Deck

This deck is made up of cards from Structure Deck 3: Blaze of Destruction and cards I already own. Please tell me what you think of the deck.

The big problem I see is your synchros, you need more of them. There's lots of good ones, like Stardust Dragon, Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, Goyo Guardian, etc. You might that you only want to use FIRE synchros, and I understand that. There's two other FIRE synchros you can summon in this deck other then Flamvell Uruquizas, and they are: Black Rose Dragon and Trident Dragion. There's also Thermal Genex, but then you'd need to use Genex Controller as well. There's Nitro Warrior, which would require you to use Nitro Synchron, but Nitro Synchron is a Fire monster and Genex Controller is not. Then there's the Jurrac synchros, but they require you to use non-tuner dinosaurs. If you decide to use them, all Jurracs are fire monsters. There's also other good Fire tuners, such as Flamvell Archer, Flamvell Baby, Flamvell Guard, Flamvell Magician, Flare Resonator, Jurrac Monoloph and Rose, Warrior of Revenge. I'd put some more tuners in. You could even consider putting some of the Flamvell tuners in, and replace monsters who are simply meant for attacking, like your Great Angus with Flamvell Firedog. Not only is he stronger than Great Angus, but he can search out your tuners. Or, you could use multiple Nitro Synchrons, and use Tuning to search them out. Or, you could use multiple Rose, Warrior of Revenge and search them out with Reinforcement of the Army. Lastly, if you don't fill up your Extra Deck with 15 cards, you may as well get a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon for if you fight a Machine deck, it's not like he'll take up any space you want to use for anything else. Hope this helps! SuperKirbyFan (talkcontribs) 01:47, February 5, 2011 (UTC)

Edited Deck (55)

Monsters (26)

Spells (10)

Traps (19)

Extra Deck Cards (2)