Forum:Lightsworn Deck-trouble

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Lightsworn Deck

Monsters = 20

Spells = 13

Traps = 7

This deck seems to be good, but I can never seem to be able to win consistently against top-end decks. Especially having trouble against Gladiator beast and Full Circle decks... Any suggestions as to how I'd make it better and possibly tournament winning? Thought of synchros, but when tried it failed miserably... aka: Glow-Up Bulb,Plaguespreader Zombie,Mist Valley Soldier

Ehren, Lightsworn Monk im not using because I just havent been able to find one btw

wowaddictbtw (talkcontribs) 02:31, January 9, 2011 (UTC)


This deck needs a lot of work. I'd be curious to ask where you're encountering Perfect Circle decks, especially with Disk Commander banned, but that's beside the point. My suggestions are as follows:

For traps:

In this format, stun and other trap-reliant decks are ubiquitous. Lightsworns are not trap reliant. Take advantage of this fact and run triple Decree, it wins games.

For Monsters:

Garoth isn't really too great without Lumina, so just use it at one and you should be able to toolbox for it when you need it. Ehren is also something you'll wan to be able to toolbox for, but may not want to draw into. Ryko is a fantastic opener/low advantage play, causing you to mill three and eliminate an opponent's card. Plague and Glow-Up are fantastic in that they allow easy access to a myriad of synchro monsters, and they work after being milled. Necro Gardna is too good for this deck to not run. As for tech, if you feel yourself being shut down by S/T, run CyDras. If you feel like you're being out-paced Rai-Ohs. That's about it here.

For Spells:

Lightning Vortex rarely nets any advantage and tends to make it harder for the deck to maintain even the relatively bad card advantage it has. MSTs are unnecessary if you're running triple Decree. Avarice allows you to exploit cards that serve no purpose in the graveyard in the form of a +1. In addition, it's an effective way to recycle JDs. Duality just adds a tiny bit of consistency, and because you special summon infrequently anyway, it should help.

You probably need to create an extra deck of some sort, but you can just use staples.

Good luck

Oh, sorry, I couldn't think of what deck it was I was talking about so I put something that I thought it was :P thnx for your suggestions wowaddictbtw (talkcontribs) 01:30, January 10, 2011 (UTC)