Forum:Overload Fusion OTK

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Use reload to get future fusion or overload fusion. Use future fusion to send jinzos and jinzo returners to the grave and get out the jinzos. Then, overload fusion for chimeratech overdragon or cyber end dragon for massive damage. Use exchange of spirit with chimeratech overdragon to put all of your oppenent's cards in the grave. OTK.

I put your stuff in a Deck Recipe. Two things: First, even in Traditional Format, you can only use one "Exchange of the Spirit"/"Burial from a Different Dimension". Second, you're running two totally different OTKs here. I suggest focusing on the offensive OTK and abandoning "Exchange of the Spirit". "Reload" may seem like a good card for swapping out good hands for bad ones, but do not believe that it will provide you with the resources to pull a kill off.
Designless Square (talkcontribs) 19:17, March 19, 2011 (UTC)

I would strongly advise Forbidden Lance the 800 atk drop shouldn't be a problem cause it would further reinforce you otk with a superpowered chimera. Unless you opponent plays solemn >.>

You are aware that Exchange of the Spirit is Forbidden, right? Also, even in Traditional events, you're only allowed one.