Forum:Old School Beatdown Deck (advice?)

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Revision as of 03:05, 28 February 2011 by U5h3ra1i (talk)
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I've been working on a deck concept that takes my old deck (and I mean old, I haven't played since pre-Synchros), and updates it to make it more viable in the metagame today. Could you tell me what you think of it? I I've seen a lot of people saying that cards like Polymerization are dead, but if there's anyway to use them, I'd like to do so. The totals come out to 34 monsters, 14 spells and 8 traps, plus 5 fusion monsters. (I know it's a pretty big deck, but the idea is to have a bunch of cards that can feed into multiple combos and strategies, so it's kind of intentional). Thanks!

Bassdude13 (talkcontribs) 22:50, February 26, 2011 (UTC)

You're going back to the roots of the game, I like it. Even though I understand what you're trying to do, its still very impractical to just throw all your cards into a deck like this. If you under stand the game mechanic for fusion summoning and Ritual summoning, you'll realize how very rare it is for you to actually summon Demise or Dragon Master Knight with the way your deck is built. To incorporate fusion or ritual, one must make a deck that specifically and properly gears towards that game mechanic. I can help you make either of those decks because I'm quite fond of my deck making skills but it would require investment from your part, something I'm not quite familiar with. So for now I can help you improve upon your deck with what you've posted, making it a little most consistent at winning as well as allowing it to flow as a whole more, rather than it having bits and pieces of multiple objectives. Multiple strategies can only be incorporated once a player knows how to properly make a deck that can successfully focus on a single aspect alone. Enough with my ranting, here's what I think you should do. (The following are my changes.)
That's the best I think I can do with what you gave me in order to make it as consistent as possible. If you can't tell, the point is to get out Dark Paladin as fast as possible with Future Fusion there in case you feel like throwing a 5 Headed Dragon out there. Mostly the deck is to spam Paladin but to make the deck more effective you'll need more Paladins and possible more Dark Magicians/Buster Bladers, regardless of how much of a dead draw they can be. I took out the rituals because they are hard as hell to make in a deck that doesn't search them properly. Yup, that's basically it. Hope I helped! =] And If you need any more help just comment back and I'll see what I can do. u5h3ra1i' Relished Dragunity Burn Player 03:05, February 28, 2011 (UTC)