Forum:Help me with my Archfiend Deck

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Revision as of 02:35, 16 May 2011 by BobaFett2 (talk)
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Any tips on what to remove, put in, etc. would be appreciated. I'm looking to drop the deck down to around 45 cards. Thanks!

Darkbishop is weak and not necessary. You don't have enough LIGHT monsters for Chaos Sorcerer. More Stygian Street Patrols would be useful. I'd recommend three Falling Down. This deck looks pretty solid. BobaFett2 (talk)

Darkbishop and safe zone are pretty nasty together, but I'll try without him. and trust me, with Desrook and Darkbishop being the only search candidates for General, Queen, and King... I have enough light monsters. (talk) 17:23, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

Why is Darkbishop + Safe Zone any good? You can use Safe Zone on any of your other monsters and that would be way more effective. You have three LIGHT monsters. I would not say that you have enough for Chaos Sorcerer. If you want to use Chaos Sorcerer, you should be using at least 5 LIGHT monsters (and even then only in decks with lots of Search power). Infernalqueen is a so-so card (Imprisoned Queen is a lot better).BobaFett2 (talk)

Reason it and safe zone are so good are because it makes opponents hesitant to target any archfiend cards with effects (especially monsters), because their cards will be destroyed. It also makes it a lure for MST or trap destruction, which protects * Pandemonium.

Desrook is very easy to search, bury, or anything else necessary. I've NEVER had a dead draw issue with CS. I may take out the Infernalqueens seeing as I am not using Vilepawn. (talk) 01:31, May 16, 2011 (UTC)

They can't target Darkbishop with other card effects when Safe Zone is on it so it doesn't matter what the roll chance is.BobaFett2 (talk)

But they CAN target other archfiends. Why would I put it on darkbishop just to protect him? That's just silly. He's all support. (talk) 02:23, May 16, 2011 (UTC)

I quote you: "Darkbishop and safe zone are pretty nasty together". He doesn't actually support anything (other than being searchable with Pandemonium).BobaFett2 (talk)