Card Tips:Crane Crane

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  • Use this card's effect to Special Summon Atlantean Marksman and then Xyz Summon a Water Xyz monster such as Number 17: Leviathan Dragon to detach Atlantean Marksman which will then allow you to destroy one Set card your opponent controls.
  • Use this card's effect to Special Summon a Level 3 monster from your Graveyard for an easy Rank 3 Xyz Summon.
    • If you Summon an EARTH monster, you can potentially Xyz Summon "Soul of Silvermountain".
    • If you Summon "Tour Bus From the Underworld" and Xyz Summon with it, so long as "Bus" is detached after (or at the same time) this card is detached, you can potentially have an infinite supply of this card in your Deck, providing you target this card with the effect of "Bus".
  • Combo with the effect of "Dragunity Darkspear". The effect of each can Special Summon the other.
  • In addition, Dragunity Darkspear and Crane Crane can be used as materials for "Dragunity Knight - Gae Dearg" to search out another copy of Crane Crane.

Traditional Format