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What if someone you knew (or maybe not) say this gross word to you or any Yugioh Duelist? This happen to me when I'm dueling some random person at the shopping mall. We play at the sit available around the hall when some security guard came and scold us for interupting other people who want to sit at it (even bad-mouthing about Yugioh)! WTH.. since I've been pissed by him, I decided to meet the Manager itself and tell everything! Since the shopping mall are well-known with it "Costumer are our top priority" motto (I'm talking about JUSCO), so the Manager told the security to ask for forgiveness from me. Well that's what he got for saying bad word to Yugioh! Serve him right! Muahahaha!!!

So what about you? Got any "Good experiences?" to share? =3

Not really >_>

I've just been insulted by people for it... I've never got them back >_> Then again, I'm in High School. Most high school teens'll just make fun of anything. TBH, I hate being in High School >_> --DarkHeroRaven 14:51, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

Mixed bag for me

Some of my friends think its childish but they do understand and are able to appreciate when I am able to do something impressive like a trade where I make a 30$ card profit (trading a 5$ card for a 35$ card) Steelfallenangel 18:55, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

High school sophomore here.... I occasionally get insulted, and I've only ever gotten one person back. (Punch in the face in the locker room. I earned their respect, and they never bothered me again. DISCLAIMER: I don't recommend this method. Violence solves nothing.)

And yes, I tend to impress my friends when I show them a card I pulled, then search it on Ebay and show them what people will pay for it.--Akiza Izayoi 19:45, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

  1. Show them how much money you can make by selling a card.
  2. Try and explain a few game mechanics to them and let them see how "childish" the game really is. --Blue (Talk) 19:53, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

Explain Missing the Timing to them. It took me weeks to figure out how that worked.--Akiza Izayoi 19:56, December 21, 2009 (UTC)

Screw missing the timing - SEVEN substeps of damage calculation? Runer5h 20:45, December 21, 2009 (UTC)Runer5h

I never had that, I just keep my hobbies to myself and people who care about it. No point in talking about it with my friends when they aren't into it, and there are better things to talk about, like that new game they got and can't beat. I just keep saying, "It's either this or drugs, and this kills fewer brain cells." Then again, I got some a$$ hole drugs in my town (No cool stoners like Leo from That 70's Show), so that maynot apply in your towns.Land of dogs 22:41, December 21, 2009 (UTC) --Abe6827 00:17, December 22, 2009 (UTC)

 I havent been insulted by anyone but thats because i keep this to myself.I dont know why people think this is childish.if 

they knew they could make money by selling or trading cards they would not think that anymore.And also it is too complicated for a chiled to play this game.

  • This kinda happened to me once, as well. It was hilarious!!
First, someone asks me if I'm available to go for coffee on Saturday morning. I say,
"Well, not really. There's something I gotta do."
"Well, I've got a Tournament (a Hobby League) to go to."
"Tournament? What kind? Chess?"
"No, Yu-Gi-Oh!."
"Huh? You still playing that children's card game?"
"Well, for one it's not children's and second, yes, I still do."
"Well, haven't you got anything better to do with your time?"
"Actually, this is the best I can do. Not only is it fun, it is profitable as well!"
"What do you mean, profitable?"
"Well, just the other day, I sold a card - ONE card - for 265$!"
"Effin' WHAT? 265$????"
"Yup. And I sell cards all the time, for a profit. Really easy cash. But I do enjoy playing as well - the game is really hard."
"What do you mean, hard? It's a children's game!"
"No it's not. Lemme give you an example. You do know chess, right? Is it easy?"
"Well, the rules are easy, but the game isn't."
"Well, in chess, you have 16 pawns, and there are 6 different types. In YGO, you have anywhere between 40 and 75 pawns, and there are thousands of different types. And the rules are so complicated, there are official rulings on how the cards work. To learn the rules adequately takes anywhere between a month and two years."
"Still think it's a children's card game? Just the sheer level of knowledge of English you need to have to understand what the card text is saying is immense (in case you haven't got it yet, my country is not an English-speaking one). Do you know what "negate" means?"
"Well, uh, no."
"My point exactly."
And don't even get me started on the eternal debate on "but the YGO show is for kids!", and the ages it takes me to explain that the ORIGINAL JAPANESE ANIME was NOT for kids, but that the most evil organization known to man (punspunspuns) effed it up. You know what I mean.
P.S. Missing the Timing and the 7 Substeps of the Damage Step are good arguments, but the crushing one is Dark Synchros. NEGATIVE NUMBERS FTW. Even if they are not really used in the TCG. But they wouldn't know that, now would they? --Darth Covah (Talk | DeckZone | Binder) 10:21, December 22, 2009 (UTC)

I got this a couple times, often coming from my parents or aunt, who call it "childish". The response? I offer a game with them, stating that "since it's childish you should be able to understand it too." They've refused the game and didn't bring this up again. I can imagine how hard they'll struggle with all the complex rulings and combos if they did agree to play though. --Gadjiltron 10:32, December 22, 2009 (UTC)