Card Tips:Hysteric Party

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Discarding is this card's activation cost; Its not an ignition effect where you can keep paying cost to keep the trap effect going. In other words, this card effect can only be activated when you flip it and you cannot continue to discard one card and special summon additional Harpie monsters.

  • You can discard a "Harpie" for this card's cost and Special Summon it with this card's effect, if there is already another "Harpie" in your Graveyard.
  • This card is exceptional when used alongside "Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon", but be sure to have cards that can protect this card's destruction.
  • "Harpie Channeler" or "Altitude Knight" can fill the Graveyard with "Harpie Lady" monsters for this card to revive.
  • You can combine this card with "Mist Valley Falcon" to return it to your hand and later activate its effect again when all of your Harpies are in your Graveyard.
  • Discard "Hysteric Sign" to Special Summon all Harpies in your graveyard and during your End Phase add up to 3 "Harpie" cards from your deck.
    • You can execute this combination on your opponent's End Phase and then put the cards you search to use even sooner, such as summoning a fully-powered "Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon" or destroying your opponent's monsters with "Harpie Lady Phoenix Formation."