Ally of Justice Light Gazer

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{{CardTable2 |kanji = A・O・J(アーリー・オブ・ジャスティス) ライト・ゲイザー |jpname = A・O・J ライト・ゲイザー |image = AllyofJustice-LightGazerDT02-JP-DUPR-DT.jpg |attribute = Dark |type = Machine |type2 = Synchro |type3 = Effect |atk = 2400 |def = 1600 |level = 8 |lore = 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
This card gains 200 ATK for each LIGHT monster in your opponent's Graveyard. |ptlore = 1 [[Tuner] + 1 ou mais monstros não Tuner
Aumente o ATK dessa carta em 200 para cada monstro Light no cemitério do seu oponente. |effect1 = Continuous |number = 19204398 |archetype1 = Allies of Justice |stats1 = This Card Gains ATK |antisupport1 = LIGHT |jp_sets = Duel Terminal - Invasion of Worms!! (DT02-JP040 - DUPR) }}