Card Tips:Gravekeeper's Spy

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  • This card is not just used in Gravekeeper's decks. In fact, it is used moreso outside of Gravekeeper's decks. Most people will put two "Gravekeeper's Spy" into their deck simply to search one out with the other, creating a wall of 1 or 2 2000 DEF monsters.
  • This card is commonly used to easily generate tribute fodder for Monarchs. Flip one, use it's effect to search out another (or sometimes Gravekeeper's Guard, with a respectable 1900 DEF), and then tribute the one you flipped for a Monarch. Notably this can still be done fairly safely if your opponent has a clear field; you can remove one of them for Caius's effect to do some burn damage to the opponent (since all of the Gravekeeper monsters with under 1500 ATK are DARK), or put a Spy on top of your deck with Raiza (which, if you are running more Gravekeeper's than the standard 2 Spy, will allow you to Set a Spy next turn to flip over later for yet another Gravekeeper).