Forum:Multiple Decks with 50 cards each help me please

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Ok first of all, I have no idea how you people do that thing that allows you to hide the deck. That is pretty cool, and if anyone can tell me how to do that it would be greatly appreciated. My email is [email protected], that way we don't have to take up space on this forum. Next, and here is the problem, I primarily play only 2 people and both have different strategies, one is my girlfriend, and the other is her brother in law. His strategy is quite simple, he has no monsters with lower than 1600 attack, and if they do, they are there for his tributes, like The Trojan Horse. Or Flip Effect like Man Eater Bug. When he doesn't get his monsters, he has Spell and Trap cards, that destroy monsters in various ways, ie Sakeretsu Armor, Remote Revenge, and DeSpell. He can either destroy my magic cards, or my monsters or traps.

My girlfriend uses the basic 5D Starter Deck, with modifications that I made. And she has 52 cards in her deck. She seems to defeat me more often then not as well. She doesn't really have a strategy, either she is still rather new at the game, and hasn't developed the multiple strategies, that deck that I made her can do.

My problem playing either one of them, is that they are more apt to sweep me in a match, then I am to get at least one duel victory. I have four decks all with 50 cards, and it seems that I have made modifications after modifications. Each time I make a modification, I seem to get closer, but was wondering if you guys could help me on making it better. I have placed all the cards, I can think of, and the only other modifications I can think of are thinning it to 40 cards. I need help with that, as all the cards, seem worth keeping to me. Here is my Dino/Iron Chain/Synchro Deck:

Extra Deck (4)

Stardust Dragon, Iron Chain Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, Psychic Life Trancer

Side Deck(15), I use the same side deck for all 4 of my decks. Any modifications you can think of for it, would be greatly appreciated as well.

Princess of Tsurugi, Pitch-Black Warwolf, Puppet Plant, Tornado Bird, Hane-Hane, Ritual Sealing, Doppleganger, By Order of the Emporor, Disarmament, Anti Fusion Device, Dragon Capture Jar, Blessings of the Nile, Fengsheng Mirror, De-Synchro, Spell Shattering Arrow

Magic Cards (14)

Poison Chain, Share the Pain, Field Barrier, Megamorph, Soul Exchange, Jurassic World, Enemy Controller, Big Evolution Pill, Fissure, Creature Swap, Lightning Vortex, Mirage Tube, Paralyzing Chain, Mystical Space Typhoon

Trap Cards (11)

Compulsory Evacuation Device, Magical Arm Shield, Volcanic Eruption, Negate Attack, Bottomless Trap Hole, Dust Tornado, Synchro Deflector, Sakuretsu Armor x2, Seismic Shockwave, Hunting Instinct

Tuner Monsters (5)

Dark Resonator, Frequency Magician, Iron Chain Coil, Water Spirit, Psychic Commander

Tribute Monsters (3)

Super Conductor Tyranno, Black Tyranno, Ultimate Tyranno

Monsters (17)

Iron Chain Snake x2, Black Stego x2, Sabersaurus x2, Gilsauras x2, Iron Chain Blaster, Old Vindictive Magician, Miracle Jurassic Egg, Kabazauls, Quillbolt Hedgehog, The Trojan Horse, Hyper Hammerhead, Hiro's Shadow Scout, Babycerasaurus

That is my deck, I will take any advice on it, I am really starting to get mad at losing. I want to fine tune this one, before I list anymore. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Duelist33 18:40, 6 January 2009 (UTC)

you have too many strategies going on, focus on one

basically yeah. you have dinos, severall iron chains, what? an old vindictive? dinosaurs go with dinosaurs that focus on removing dinosaurs from play and power up Tyranno Infinity, iron chains have their own "mill" sorta deck or use it in a chain town deck like mine (XP), and pls, if u decide to go iron chains, IC blaster sucks. the ones u should focus on are repairman, coil, and snake. then, old vindictive can be used in a deck with an Apprentice Magician search engine and whilst remaining field presence, you could tribute them for a monarch. choose one theme to focus on then we could help you more from there. Jetronix 04:30, 7 January 2009 (UTC)