Forum:Quantum Cube questions

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Revision as of 21:15, 2 April 2017 by Magellan End (talk)
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I have some questions about the Quantum Cube:

  • Shadi gave the Cube to Aigami, whose level is equal to that of the one who solved the Millennium Puzzle. Does this mean that the Cube is equal to the Puzzle, possibly implying that the Cube is a balance between light and darkness as well?
  • If it's a Millennium Item, who is it created by, and what are its origins?
  • What makes Aigami equal to Yugi and worthy enough to have the Cube? If the reason for Yugi being worthy for the Puzzle is that he is the incarnation of Atem, then could Aigami have an ancient Egyptian incarnate as well?

Scheepybird (talkcontribs) 18:10, April 2, 2017 (UTC)

Its not a Millennium Item, that was Dub only. and I don't recall anyone or anything saying Aigami was equal to Yugi. If he was and there is a reason, it probably amounts to "Destiny said so" like most things. just another magical item of comparable power to the items. it was probably just something else the tombkeeper's had to protect the items when they weren't using one of them themselves.
and you don't need to have an Ancient Egyptian ancestor to be important.
Dread (talkcontribs) 18:51, April 2, 2017 (UTC)
@Scheepybird It's implied that Shadi made it. @DreadKaiser Just because it's the dub version, doesn't mean it's not canon. The dub is just as canon as the original is. Magellan End (talkcontribs) 21:15, April 2, 2017 (UTC)