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Stone Statue of th (DM4)

DM3 / DM4 / DM7 / DM8

Stone Statue of th
Asuteka no Sekizō
Stone Statue of the Aztecs
Level 6 ★★★★★★
Number 748
Deck Cost 91
ATK / DEF 300 / 2000
Type Rock
Alignment Earth
Password 31812496

Long ago, tens of thousands of sacrifices were made at this alter.

むかし このせきぞうのうえで なんまんもの いけにえがささげられたという

Playable in
Yugi Deck Kaiba Deck Joey Deck
No No Yes


Obtained by

"Stone Statue of th" can be obtained via random drop from the following characters. The chance of winning it is listed as a percentage and a probability out of 2048.

Character % 2048th
Seeker 1.22 25

Opponents' Decks

The following characters use "Stone Statue of th" in their Deck.

Character Qty
Seeker 2


"Stone Statue of th" can be equipped with the following Equip Magic Cards:

In other media